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  • Stigmatization of Children and Youth of the Socially Non-homogeneous Neighborhoods: Analysis of the Mechanisms of the Neighborhood Effects and the Concept of Empowering Social Work

    The manuscript presents a concept of the mechanisms of the neighborhood effects which has been empirically grounded in a long-term qualitative study conducted by me in one of Łódź disadvantaged residential environments. The theory generated during the study fits into a model that explains the neighborhood impact in terms of social processes endogenous to the neighborhood. In particular, it offers an explanation of the neighborhood impact in terms of social heterogeneity and consequential stigmatization of the selected groups of residents.  The reconstruction of the stigmatization process and its outcomes for the selected groups of residents − children and youth − inspired my reflection on empowering social work in socially non-homogeneous neighborhoods, which I also put forward in this contribution.

  • A fiatalok szabadidő eltöltési szokásaihoz alkalmazkodó ifjúsági közösségi tér – a hang out másik oldala

    According to Hungarian youth surveys, we are witnessing a social group spending their free time pointlessly in a passive, recreative, mediatized and digital environment. No matter it’s a weekday or a weekend, many youngsters spend time doing practically nothing which is also reflected in the level of their active citizenship.

    Our personal experiences confirm: youths spend little time in places controlled by adults; they prefer the ones without any supervision. The question arises: can we create community places that are popular, yet safe, inspiring to learn and able to promote social participation?

    In the study, I attempt to present how to reach and involve the youth by a methodology that suits best to their free time spending patterns and to the way they use community places. To this, I briefly define the concepts of youth work and youth participation and I give a functioning Irish example. Later, I will summarize the key elements of the hang out method and attempt to back the recommended techniques by using my experiences and scientific literature.