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  • Gyorsjelentés munkahelyi veszélyekről és biztonságról a szociális munkában

    Workplace safety and risk are rarely mentioned in social work, so we researched the topic. We explored how workplace risks, client aggression and workplace bullying manifest themselves and who is affected by them, from a national and international perspective. Our survey was based on a questionnaire from the Association of Union of Social Professionals, which, from the responses, has shown a strong interest among those working in the profession. The responses showed that professionals are not prepared for dangerous situations that happen in all areas of social work. National and international research data and professional materials suggest that there is a responsibility on the part of the legislator, the profession, training, institutions, and professionals themselves to ensure a safe workplace and safe working conditions. Professional minimum standards are needed to increase safety in the workplace and in social work. International standards and national experiences can be used to develop this. A protocol of this type can provide a basis for training on the subject and for the development of further detailed, discipline-specific standards.

  • „Mást tudnék csinálni, de hogy nem szeretném, az biztos!” Szociális munkások 2006-tól 2017-ig

    How do social workers see their work, their calling? What changes did they go through, and how did they value these? To have an answer, I interviewed 13 social workers of a city in 2006 and in 2016 and 2017.

    The interviewees have already changed their workplace and gone through other changes in their life, which they experienced differently. Most of them showed alternations in their attitude toward their work, one-third presented prolonged changes in their internal thinking and personality. They sense and follow changes in their profession, and in the society. Almost all of them think that they have the opportunity to find a new job either up to their circumstances or their personal qualities.

    The outcome of this research can contribute to the general opinion about social workers’ career path, about which information is usually gathered during their studies.

  • Felkészülés és képzéshasznosulás a segítő szakmákban: Összehasonlító tanulmány

    The objective of the study is to investigate the integration of social work students in the labour market in order to develop social work BA-level education. The research is based on a quantitative questionnaire completed by a number of 196 University-graduate respondents. The data collection was carried out in three institutions: Partium Christian University, University of Pécs, and University of Debrecen. According to the results, most experts consider themselves well prepared, but they have some shortcomings in their skills such as knowledge of foreign languages, financial literacy, project management, application writing, research methodology and understanding social processes. University education should focus more on these areas. Most of the professionals are satisfied with their education, but the proportion of the average evaluators is also high. It was found that the relationship between the knowledge acquired in the university is not significantly related to job satisfaction, and certain skills can be retrofitted during work practice.