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  • Az empowerment, mint indikátor

    Determining and identifying the effectiveness of social work pose significant challenges for both researchers and practitioners alike. Due to quality assurance, training expectations, and scientific thoroughness, we continually seek ways to define results and to make the necessity of social work visible. In our interpretation, empowerment realized in a support relationship can serve as both the aim of assistance and as an indicator of the effectiveness of the relationship. Due to the multifactorial nature of the support process, it is not easy to identify which agent in the collaborative work led the individual to a state where they can control their own lives and influence their environment. In our study, we examine the morphosemantic meaning of empowerment and uncover the content contradictions that emerge in the analysis. Subsequently, we direct attention to the organizational environment of the support relationship: we explore which organizational characteristics and operations influence the realization of empowerment and how this may occur.

  • A szociális szolgáltatások hatásosságát és hatékonyságát érintő néhány kérdés

    The paper investigates the effectiveness and efficiency of social services, as well as terms and questions related to them, regarding their role in service organization. At first it makes an attempt to clear up some words with similar meaning, including ones based on quality and outcome. Then it reviews the historical roots concerning efficiency and effectiveness, followed by researches took place in social work particularly, covering the related terms, the trend called managerialism, then the quality management, witch originates from it, and the evidence based practice. Next, the topic related fundamental indicators are presented, according to the measurability of social work, naming some indicators it could measured with while evaluating. Toward the end the relation between service planning/organizing and efficiency/effectiveness, and the relevant terms considering this relation are discussed.