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  • Tinédzserkori gyermekvállalás és iskolai lemorzsolódás – Egy fiatalokkal végzett részvételi akciókutatás módszertani tapasztalatai

    The study presents the experience of a youth participatory action research (YPAR) that was conducted in the summer of 2020 by the research group of 11 researchers: 10, 13–24-year-old Roma youngsters and 1 facilitator. The topics of the research were teenage childbearing and school dropout, but the study focuses on the experiences of the concrete methods used during the research and the methodological and ethical considerations of YPAR. The main methods of participatory action research were online survey, as well as group and individual interviews. Each phase of the research was designed and carried out with the involvement of young researchers. Research demonstrates that the involvement and participation of youth should become part of the way how we think about them, the programs targeting them and for this we need to know their experiences, insights, emotions, fears and desires. Programs should respond in a meaningful way to the specific, local opportunities for secondary education, career opportunities, labour market circumstances and opportunities, and the emotional difficulties of primary and secondary school years.

  • 7 év – A legfontosabb változás A BAGázs Közhasznú Egyesület közösségi munkájának hatása a bagi szegregátumban

    BAGazs Public Benefit Association has been working for 7 years in a roma settlement in Bag village, Hungary. The study evaluates the impact and milestones of the community development work done so far. In the evaluation process, by using The Most Significant Change method, the interpretation and presentation are primarily based on the participants’ narratives and self-stories. Besides the above, the purpose of the present paper is to provide professional and methodological aid to Hungarian settlement-type and community-focus organisations, as the study seeks to explain the special features (difficulties or/and possibilities) of the community work in segregated Roma settlements.

  • Recenzió

    Boros Julianna (2017): Egyéni utak, társadalmi helyzetek Cigány/roma felnőttek életútja egy kvalitatív kutatás eredményeinek tükrében című könyvről

  • A cigány/roma politikáról másképpen

    Recenzió Kóczé Angéla, Neményi Mária, Szalai Júlia (szerk.): Egymás szemébe nézve – Az elmúlt fél évszázad roma politikai törekvései című kötetről