
A nyíregyházi középiskolás diákok iskolai közösségi szolgálattal kapcsolatos tapasztalatainak vizsgálata

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Markos, V. (2016). A nyíregyházi középiskolás diákok iskolai közösségi szolgálattal kapcsolatos tapasztalatainak vizsgálata. Párbeszéd: Szociális Munka folyóirat, 3(4). https://ojs.lib.unideb.hu/parbeszed/article/view/5913

In my study I examine the secondary school students’ experiences about service-learning in Nyíregyháza. I used quantitative method and I asked 185 students. This service-learning is compulsory for those secondary school children who want to gets the certificate of final examination. The first students in this system graduated from secondary school in 2016 so I asked them about their service-learning experiences. In addition I also examine what are the differences between the experiences among the type of the secondary school and academic success. In my analyses I use crosstabs and variance analyses by means of SPSS program. According to my results there is a significant correlation between the student’s experiences and secondary school type. The secondary school type have significant effect to secondary school student’s experiences of service-learning (area of choice, the motivation of area selection, where fulfil the service-learning, there are preparatory and processor lessons). The average of grade (except area of choice) is not effect to the experience.