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  • Environmental investigations in wild pig game farms

    A vaddisznóskertek az 1990-es évek kezdetétől reneszánszukat élik Magyarországon. Számos vadászatra jogosult dönt úgy, hogy újonnan létesít vaddisznóskertet, illetve a már meglévő, hosszabb ideje működő kertjét felújítja, vagy lecseréli, és helyette újat létesít. A létesítés okai többfélék lehetnek: egyrészt a vadászati-vadásztatási lehetőségek pontosabb tervezése, biztonságosabbá tétele, a már kialakult vendégkör megtartása, másrészt a kerten kívüli területeken a vaddisznó által okozott károk csökkentése lehetnek a fő okok, melyek egy új kert létesítésére ösztönzik a vadgazdálkodókat. Természetesen nem elhanyagolható szempont a vadaskertek és vaddisznóskertek létesítésénél azok gazdaságossága, a befektetés jó megtérülési lehetősége sem.

  • The economic questions concerning the game management of hunting parks: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    In the last twenty years, there has been a major change in Hungarian game management, and it became a profit-oriented activity.
    This is especially true in game parks, where we would like to have very high quality stock. This is only insured through a proper level of feeding. Although many hunting areas have pasture land, they are uncultivated lands with very low production.
    At the Bőszénfa hunting park, we studied the economy of normal feed production (maize, sorghum, cabbage), and realised that pasture management can be a valuable possibility for feed production.
    With pasture, we could save up to 20% of our costs, and the entire management became simpler to organise.

  • Key theoretic and practical elements of Tessedik Sámuel in grassland based animal production systems

    The successful life of Tessedik has been studied for about two centuries by the researchers. From among his activities of public utility the modernization of agricultural production is extremely outstanding.

    His theoretical and practical work covers the main elements of farming of that time period. His results can be studied in the comprehensive system of fooder production, grassland farming and animal husbandry by the analyses of his papers. In his theoretical works he describes the practice of fodder production and feeding of his age as well as the possibilities of more successful farming. His recommendations could be applied only partially among th given economical conditions.