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  • Összehasonlító botanikai és természetvédelmi vizsgálatok telepített és felújított gyepekben a Csákvár melletti Páskom területén

    We studied the vegetation of a 260 ha gray cattle pasture near Páskom, which can be found in Zámoly basin. We carried out our surveyes in May 2012. The pasture can be divided into five parts. One part, approximately the half of the area (150.83 ha), is an oldfield grassland, which was overseeded 20 years ago. The other half of the pasture was restored (109.17 ha) in 4 different ways in 2009 and then was mowed until 2011. 7 relevés were made in each part of the pasture (the occurence of species and their cover scores were recorded). The aim of our study was to compare the effects of the different restoration methods and mowing on the botanical composition of the pasture. The results showed, that the grassland restored with hay transfer method was the most similar to the natural conditions. The greatest number of species was recorded in that part and the species of natural grasslands become dominant. The directly sowed and the spontaneous grassland parts separated chiefly from the semi-natural 30-year-old grassland. 

  • Analysing of yield and nutritional value of Zselic pastures and its evaluation by D-e-Meter system

    The future way of grassland management is greatly influenced by the new functions of the grasslands relative to the environment. This means that the role of raising nutrition will be expand by the role of keeping the natural resources. In the EU the price of the arable lands are controlled by the supply and demand, so the quality of the arable and the value of it come asunder. The market economy has to evaluate the arable reliable and accurate. In according to these sentences it is necessary to show the real value of soil quality, of arable in the register of estate. An important part of the sustainable developing is to find the adaptation to the local area and the nature. This aspect could be found in the multifunctional European Agricultural model and in the rural development too. Nowadays we use the way of the land evaluation known as the “aranykorona”, which is an obstacle to the way of the sustainability. The evaluation of grasslands in Hungary is not solved, the details we have are disused, so it is hard to plan the yields of the grasslands, we can estimate them a posteriori. In the D-e-Meter grassland module we start the evaluation with the DM yield of the characteristic grass. This starting point is modified with the factors proper to the area. The measured and the estimated DM yield were compared to each other at 3 grassland at Bőszénfa. To evolve an up-to-date evaluating system we analysed grasslands at the University of Kaposvár Deer Farm at Bőszénfa to find answers to the followings:

    • Soil analysis of the humus, the N, P, K levels and the pH of the grasslands

    • Describe the botanical composition by the Balázs-method

    • The quality and the nutrition value of the grasslands

    • Yearly yields of grasslands

    • Analyzing of the results by the D-e-Meter system