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  • Rust diseases of cultivated grass species

    The authors made plant pathological investigations of 10 cultivated grass species and cultivars from September 2004 to June 2007. The aim was to determine species diversity and dominance relations of rust diseases of grasses. Four rust species (Puccinia recondita, P. graminis, P. coronata, P. striiformis) were determined on grasses, from among which crown rust (P. coronata), leaf rust (P. recondita) and their forma specialis caused higher infection. The first significant rust infection of grasses was observed on turion after harvesting at the end of July. The maximum value of rust fungi infection was determined in September. This work gives information on rust fungi incidence on cultivated grass species and discusses the curve of seasonal epidemic caused by Puccinia species.

  • Fungal leaf spot diseases of cultivated grasses

    The authors made plant pathological investigations and data collections on grass species important in their seed production areas in Hungary (Keszthely) and Austria (Irdning). The aim was to determine species diversity and dominance relations of plant pathogenic fungal species found on the cultivated grasses of the two ecologically different locations. The present work details only the leaf spot causing fungi and does not inform on rust causing fungi, powdery mildew, and smuts. The work gives information on fungal incidence on grass species, their importance and symptoms of disease caused by Cercosporidium graminis, Ramularia pusilla, Drechslera spp., Bipolaris spp., Mastigosporium spp., Septoria, Ascochyta spp. and Colletotrichum graminicola.

  • Factors affecting the thousand-grain weight of three grass cultivars

    We analyzed the effects of temperature, precipitation and the age of the mother plants on the change of an important seed quality parameter, the thousand-grain weight (TGW) in the case of three Hungarian cultivars of different grass species (’Tomaj’ red fescue, ’K-50’ tall fescue and ’K-51’ smooth brome). Examining the seed samples of six years from the stocks maintained at the MATE Georgikon Campus (Keszthely), we found that the age of the stocks did not affect the value of TGW. The age of the stocks did not affect the TGW. Only the heat sum lower than average showed negative effect to the TGW in the linear model applied the heat sum and total precipitation calculated between 1st of May to the harvest date, and the age of the stocks as independent factors. Precipitation had a positive but weak effect, the amount of precipitation calculated from 1st of November of the previous year to harvest correlated better with TGW. We also found that proper purification and the TGW-data correction for the same moisture content are necessary in such a comparative study of TGW values of grass seeds.

  • Spring phonological development of grasses

    The paper starts with those arguments which underline the scientific importance of the research program entitled “Factors determining forage quality of grasses”. It summarizes the maint features of spring grass development based on the international scientific literature. It describes the methods and material of the research program.
    Based on the results of the 2004 research it presents data for tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea), brome grass (Bromus inermis), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and thimothy (Phleum pratense) on
    - number of active leaves, at given dates,
    - the sum of the length of active leaves per shoot at given dates,
    - total number of leaves/per shoot developed until the end of the investigations,
    - crude protein and netto energy content of the grasses in the beginning in the middle and in the end of investigation period.
    Conclusions from the research results:
    - the phonological development of grasses is species-specific,
    - after the start of the generative development the active leaf area per shoot is declining,
    1 A dolgozat az MTA Gyepgazdálkodási Bizottságának 2005. július 09-én Beregszászon (Ukrajna) rendezett tudományos előadás bővített változata
    decline in crude protein content of grasses between middle April and June is continues while netto energy content declines between middle April and middle May, but it does not change after words.

  • Rangeland utilization by beef cattle in the dry Savanna areas of Southern Africa

    A literature review was done on the selection and utilization of grass species by beef cattle in the Limpopo province. The literature study was complimented by research done on the Towoomba Research station and the University of Limpopo, both in Limpopo Province, in South Africa. The Province is well known for its low rainfall and good quality rangeland. The main aim was to categorize the most important grass species in different utilization (palatable) classes. The thirteen grass species which were under investigation could be classified as follows: Highly palatable species: Panicum maximum and Urochloa mosambicensis; Palatable species: Digitaria eriantha, Heteropogon contortus, Schmidtia pappophoroides and Themeda triandra. Less palatable: Trachypogon spicatus and Themeda triandra and Least palatable: Eragrostis rigidior, Hyparrhenia hirta, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Melinus repens and the Aristida species.

  • Flow cytometric genome size estimation of Hungarian grass varieties

    In Keszthely, the breeding of grass species have several decades long history. Among other things, the aim of the maintenance work of the registered varieties is to preserve the ploidy levels that have been reported in the variety descriptions. Flow cytometry is a fast, modern tool for examining plant DNA content. In our pilot study, we compared the genome size of the four grass species maintained at the MATE Georgikon Campus with the data of known samples of similar ploidy levels published for the given grass species in the international database. Our results showed a high degree of agreement with the theoretically expected values, supporting the applicability of flow cytometry in plant breeding and in variety maintenance.