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  • Comparing of soil and rhizoplane of grasses

     The aims of this paper were to determine and compare the most important physical, chemical and microbial characteristics of seven grassland areas near Debrecen.
         Physical properties: moisture content (t%), clay and silt contents (Li%), soil plasticity according to Arany (KA), were measured.  

    As were the chemical characteristics: pH, salt content (%). lime content (it depends on pH), humus content, organic nitrogen and mineral materials (nitrate nitrogen, ammonium lactate soluble phosphorous and potassium).
         The total viable number of bacteria, the amount of cellulose decomposing and nitrifying bacteria and the quantity of microscopic fungi were studied. Additionally, some soil enzyme activities, such as phosphatase and catalase as well as carbon-dioxide production were determined.
         The number of microbes and the microbiological activity of the soils were higher in autumn than in summer. The lowest number of bacteria was determined in solonchak-solonetz soil. The phosphatase enzyme activity and the CO2 production are connected with the higher organic matter content of the soils. The increasing sodification decreased the phosphatase activity and the intensity of CO2 production. Meadow soil type led to an increase in catalase activity.
    During the examination zhe rhizoplane of two test plants per grassland was also studied. The umber of microorganisms in the rhizoplane of test plants was usually higher than the values obtained in soil samples.
         Within one soil types there were differences between two test plants including the same or different family.
         There were no considerable differences among the number of fungi genera isolated from the soil samples and the rhizoplane or among the results obtained in summer and autumn. Independent of the soil types and plant species, Fusarium, Mucor and Penicillium genera were found in large percentages promoted by the rainy summer and autumn season.