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  • The effect of fertilization on the feeding value and nutrient yield of artificial grasslands 2.

    The effect of different N, P and K supply levels and their combinations on the nutritional values and nutrient yield of an established all-grass sward were examined in 28th year of a long-term fertilization field experiment set up on a calcareous chernozem loamy soil. The fertilizer responses on the development, hay yield and N-uptake were published elsewhere (Kádár, 1994). The soil of the growing site contained around 3% humus, 5% CaCO3, 20-22% clay in the ploughed layer and was originally moderately well supplied with available K, Mg, Mn and Cu and poorly supplied with P and Zn. The trial included 4Nx4Px4K=64 treatments in 2 replications, giving a total of 128 plots. The fertilizers applied were Ca-ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. The groundwater table was at a depth of 13-15 m and the area was prone to drought. In 2001, however, the area had a satisfactory amount of 621 mm precipitation with fairly good distribution. The grass was established on 21. September 2000. The main results and conclusions can be summarised as follows:
         1. While the grass herbage yield was determined by the NxP supply levels, the nutritional values were influenced by the NxK interactions. As a function of NxK treatments, the N-free extract decreased from 532 g/kg (control) to 390 g/kg (N3K3), Crude-protein increased on the same plots from 64 g/kg to 183 g/kg, so the ratio of N-free extract/Crude-protein tightened from 8.3 to 2.1. Compared to the unfertilized control, the Crude-ash enhanced with 26%, while the N-dependent Metabolic Protein (MFN) with 286% on the N3K3 levels.
         2. The maximum nutrient yields were measured at the first cut on the 100 kg/ha/yr N-treatment with 150 mg/kg ammoniumlactate soluble P-supply soils for Crude-fibre, Neutral and Acid Detergent Fibres (NDF, ADF) N-free extract, Crude-ash and Nettoenergy (NE) parameters. The Crude-fat and the Energy Dependent Protein (MFE) yields gave maximum surpluses using 200 kg/ha/yr N-rate with high level of 333 mg/kg AL-P2O5 supply in plow-layer. Highest crude-protein and the N-dependent Metabolic Protein (MFN) yields were connected, however, to the highest N3P3 levels, where the yield increased 5-times compared to the control.
         3. At the 2nd cut, both the nutritional values and the nutrient yields changed only as a function of N-supply. Maximum nutrient yields were obtain generally at the 300 kg/ha/yr treatment. Assessing the 1st and 2nd cuts together, the 200 kg/ha/yr treatment seemed to be the best fertilization practice. Among the different NPK treatments developed extreme differences. The unfertilized for 28 years plots (N0P0K0 ) gave small nutrient yields. The moderate N-fertilization alone (N1P0K0) enhanced the yields 2-3 times. The moderate balanced fertilization (N1P1K1) gave further dramatic surpluses. The N-dependent Crude-protein and the protein fractions (MFE, MFN) as well as the Crude-fat yielded maxima values at the highest (N3P3K3) treatment.
         4. Summarizing above, we can state that the satisfactory or abundant fertilization on such soil poor in NPK and in a favourable year can increase the Crude-fibre, the fiber fractions (NDF, ADF), N-free extract, Crude-ash, Crude-fat and Nettoenergy (NE) yields 3-5 times, while the N-dependent Crude-protein and protein-fractions (MFE, MFN) even 7-8-times.

  • Effect of fertilization on the aminoacid content and aminoacid yield an established all-grass swarde 5.

    The effects of different N, P and K supply levels and their combinations were examined on the amino acid content and yield of an established all-grass sward with seed mixture of eight grass species in the 28th year of a long term fertilization field experiment set up on a calcareous chernozem loamy soil. The lay-out and method of the trial, as well as the fertilizer responses on the hay yield and quality parameters, were published elsewhere (Kádár, 2005; Kádár and Győri, 2005). The soil of the growing site contained around 3% humus, 5% CaCO3, 20-22% clay in the ploughed layer and was originally moderately well supplied with available K, Mg, Mn and Cu and poorly supplied with P and Zn. The trial included 4Nx4Px4K=64 treatments in 2 replications, giving a total of 128 plots. The fertilizers applied were Ca-ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. The groundwater table was at a depth of 13-15 m and the area was prone to drought. In 2001, however, the area had a satisfactory amount of 621mm precipitation with a fairly good distribution. The grass was established on 21. September 2000. The main results and conclusions can be summarised as follows:
         1. The content of GLU, ASP, HIS and ARG increased in the crude protein of the 1st cut hay as a function of N-fertilization up to 12-19%. The same time the content of PRO decreased up to 23%, CYS up to 25%, TRY up to 42% and ALA up to 48% compared to the N-control. The P fertilization raised the concentration of ASP, LEU, GLY, HIS, PHE and CYS, while the content of ALA dropped down to 41% that of P-contol.
         2. As a function of NxP positive interactions the content of ASP rose from 7.2 to 10.3%, HIS from 3.8 to 5.8%, ARG from 3.2 to 4.2% compared to the NP control, while the content of ALA diminished from 5.8 to 2.2%, TRY from 1.3 to 0.6%. The K fertilization also depressed the TRY synthesis. The N0P0K0 plots showed 1.59% TRY in protein, while the N3P3K3 maximum supply plots only 0.35%.
         3. The yield of amino acids was enhanced 3-4 times by N fertilization, 2.0-2.5 times by P fertilization and 20-30% by K fertilization. The amino acid yield increased on the N3P3K3 plots, compared to the N0P0K0 plots, in the case of ALA and TRY 3-4 times. Most of the other amino acids yielded 8-12 times more, HIS 14 times, PRO 16 times, GLY 18 times and CYS 20 times more. The maximum yield of essential amino acids made up 774 kg/ha, the total amino acid yield 1552 kg/ha and crude-protein 1779 kg/ha in the 1st cut hay.
         4. As a result of NxP interactions the ratio of ASP/ALA changed from 1.2 to 4.7, that of ARG/TRY from 2.5 to 6.3, that of HIS/TRY from 2.9 to 9.7 with the increased NP supply. Thus, fertilization can induce an imbalance of amino acids and so change or deteriorate the biological quality of protein. In similar circumstances the forage may require a TRY supplement to restore the imbalance of amino acids.

  • Mineral content of floodplain meadows in the upper Tisza region

    Az állatok zavarlalan életműködéséhez a táplálékuknak megfelelő mennyiségben és arányban kell ásványi anyagokal tartalmaznia. A gyepek növényzelének elemtartalmát igen sok tényező befolyásolja. Többek között a hő, a csapadék, az öntözés, a talaj típusa és tápanyag-ellátottsága, a gyeptípusok, a fajösszetétel. a tenyészidőszak aspektusai, a növények fenofázisa, a gyephasználat módja.
         A folyók árterében gyakran találunk extenzív hasznosítású legelőket, illetve természetes, nem telepített kaszálókat. Mivel ezen területeken kemikáliákat nem lehet alkalmazni, és a fajgazdagság nagy,  igen alkalmasak arra, hogy a különböző növények elemtartalmát meghatározzuk. 2001-es évben négy ártéri legelőről, illetve kaszálóról készítettünk cönológiai felvételezést és mértük meg az ott található növényfajok elemtartalmát.
         Azok a növények, amelyeket nem vonnak be szándékosan a termelésbe, vagyis tágabb értelemben használva gyomnövények, igen értékes elemei a legelők növényzetének, mert az állatok számára értékes mikroelemekben gazdagabbá teszik a legelőt.
         Az általunk vizsgált területeken, az ideálisnak tartott 2/3 rész egyszíkű, 1/3 rész kétszikű aránytól eltérő arányokat kaptunk, de ez nem eredményezett Mn-hiányt.