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  • The economic questions concerning the game management of hunting parks: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    In the last twenty years, there has been a major change in Hungarian game management, and it became a profit-oriented activity.
    This is especially true in game parks, where we would like to have very high quality stock. This is only insured through a proper level of feeding. Although many hunting areas have pasture land, they are uncultivated lands with very low production.
    At the Bőszénfa hunting park, we studied the economy of normal feed production (maize, sorghum, cabbage), and realised that pasture management can be a valuable possibility for feed production.
    With pasture, we could save up to 20% of our costs, and the entire management became simpler to organise.

  • Results of grazing preference investigations incounty and abroad

    Many kinds of animals were already studied on which composition of pasture they reside most of their time, respectively which constituents of pasture they eat more pleasantly. In Hungary there have not been done any researches on the red deer grazing habitude in farming conditions yet. The target of this study was to examine which species of the plants are the most preferred by the red deer under the conditions of Bőszénfa’s area. The pasture planting was in 2005. At the choice of the species’ planted the climate conditions and relief of this area were taken into consideration. Seven kinds of pastures or pasture mixtures were planted in two repetitions. Because of the unfavourable weather conditions the development of planted pasture was slower than expected, in this manner the preferences examination was put off to 2007. The preference study of plots planted with different pasture constituents was carried out by grazing of 48 hinds. During the grazing season the time of residence of the grazing hinds on every single plot was measured 14 times by five hours’ observations. The observations could be carried out from April to the end of June because of the pasture plots were totally burnt out due to the lack of the moisture. Our measurements were completed with field reviews. During the reviews the most consumed species of plants were noted. The statistical analysis of the observed period was carried out in monthly dividing too. In April the gramineaes and the white clover (Trifolium repens L) were grazed in the same proportion (P<0.001) by the hinds, but they did not prefere the giant agrostis (Agrostis gigantea Roth) and the bunias orientalis (Bunias orientalis). In May the dears grazed the white clover the most intensively, and the gramineas on the right hand side, the giant agrostis and the bunias orientalis were eaten the least. In June the hinds spent the most time by grazing on the white clover, the graminneaes were mediumly grazed, the giant agrostis and the bunias orientalis were grazed almost not at all. Summarized the red deers spent the most of their grazing time on the white clover, while they grazed on the giant agrostis and on the bunias orientalis for the least time.

  • Economic and management considerations in two dairy systems grazed and arable crops based

    On the Hungarian dairy farms grazing is not a common practice presently. What are the reasons for this situation? Necessary conditions are not available for grazing, or the technical considerations about grazing are not favourable in practice. These questions were investigated on two dairy farms with methods of farm visits and technical interviews. Farm 1 still has grazing, Farm 2 used to graze its animals, presently it does not graze its animals, but it plans to establish pasture for grazing. Summarizing results of the investigations:

    - Non of the farm has got enough pasture/land area to meet the requirements of grazing. This situation fits to the national situation known from literature and statistics.
    - The time of substantial herbage allowance is relatively short, it is maximum 2 month in the season.
    - The nutritive value of grass decreases sharply in Spring. It is the reason why only animals requiring less intensive feeding can be grazed (first of all dry cows, than heifers and perhaps low yield cows).
    - Grazing can result in remarkable savings regarding inputs and costs.
    - Grazing does not need specific labour, present staff of the farms. Can manage grazing at the necessary technical level.
    - Asset security of outdoor animals we not considered as a real obstacle against grazing on the farms. This situation is different of that reported about the national situation. 

  • Some aspects of red deer farming bared on grassland

    A szerzők tanulmányukban összefoglalják a legelőre alapozott gímszarvastartás néhány  legfontosabb kérdését a legelöhasznosítás szempontjából. A legelö metabolizálható energiatartalma növekedésével lineárisan javul a szarvasborjak napi tömeggyarapodása a szoptatási idószak azon szakaszában, amikor a borjak legelőfű felvétele számottevó.
         A gyepek pillangós alkotóinak növekedésével 0-20% közötti tartományban nagyon jelentös a legelő állatok napi tömeggyarapodás javulása. 20% feletti pillangós arány már kismértékű tömeggyarapodás többlettel jár, és ugyanakkor negatív hatású a területi termelékenységre. 

  • Matching Nutrient Requirements of Farmed Red Deer on Pasture. International and National Experiences: Papers presented at the „Timely questions in grassland and game management” scientific conference (Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Kaposvár University, 18-19 May 2006)

    The authors summarize the factors influencing the nutritional value of grasses which constitute the dominant proportion of pasture biomass, and emphasize the percentage proportion of leguminous species. Interactions are discussed between the phenological status of grasses, digestability, metabolic energy requirements of deer and their voluntary intake. The very often neglected factor of water awailability on feed effciency in red deer farming is stressed. Some data are presented considering the research results obtained at the red deer research farm of the University of Kaposvár.