Szemle (Review)

Key theoretic and practical elements of Tessedik Sámuel in grassland based animal production systems

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Bukovinszky, L. (2021). Key theoretic and practical elements of Tessedik Sámuel in grassland based animal production systems. Grassland Studies, 5(1-2), 45-48.

The successful life of Tessedik has been studied for about two centuries by the researchers. From among his activities of public utility the modernization of agricultural production is extremely outstanding.

His theoretical and practical work covers the main elements of farming of that time period. His results can be studied in the comprehensive system of fooder production, grassland farming and animal husbandry by the analyses of his papers. In his theoretical works he describes the practice of fodder production and feeding of his age as well as the possibilities of more successful farming. His recommendations could be applied only partially among th given economical conditions.