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  • From the Isles of the Blessed to Taprobane

    By analysing Pliny's Naturalis Historia and placing it in the broader context of ancient knowledge, I describe the knowledge and myths about the islands of the western and eastern edges of the known world in antiquity, with particular reference to Pliny's subjective ideas.

  • Commercianti tra l’Impero Romano e l’India

    Relativamente poche sono le fonti letterarie a disposizione in relazione ai commercianti tra l’Impero Romano e l’India, ma sono reperibili, in gran numero, fonti papirologiche, epigrafiche e giuridiche in riferimento a coloro. Negli ultimi decenni nuove fonti sono state rinvenute principalmente nel territorio dell’Egitto: iscrizioni in lingua greca e latina scolpite nella pietra, papiri, ostraka e annotazioni in tamilico, in pracrito e in tamilico-bramanico. Sulla base delle fonti a disposizione, nel presente studio ho esaminato le questioni seguenti: chi erano le persone che prendevano parte al commercio tra l’Impero Romano e l’India, quali difficoltŕ dovevano affrontare durante il lungo e pericoloso viaggio, qual era la forma di associazione caratteristica. Inoltre ho preso in esame la participazione nel commercio a distanza dei senatores, dei liberti e delle persone prive del diritto di cittadinanza imperiale.

  • Visigoths and Romans after 410

    In 410, the Roman Empire was shaken to its core after Rome was sacked by the Visigoths. The Barbarian attacks and the emergence of the usurpers created a severe crisis in the Western Roman Empire. The study of contemporary authors reveals that the crisis engendered a change in attitudes. For the Empire to be reconstructed, the traditional Roman, anti-barbarian attitude had to be changed, and living together and cooperating with the Goths was now a must. The change in attitude can be detected in Orosius’ work, a formerly anti-barbarian author who places Athaulf’s speech at Narbonne in the centre. The marriage of the Visigoth king with Galla Placidia (414), the Romanization of the Goths, their imperial service, and their new relationship with Romans as described in the speech is all a solid basis for a reestablishment of Goth-Roman relations and the creation of a new federal agreement, which actually took place in 418.