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  • Hoe de Nederlandse juffers met liefde omgingen: De wereld van de gevoelens in Historie van mejuffrouw Sara Burgerhart (1782) van Elisabeth Wolff en Agatha Deken
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    Love played an important role in Wolff and Deken’s 18th-century bestseller, The History
    of Miss Sara Burgerhart. The attitude to the feelings allowed the reader to get to know the
    novel’s characters thoroughly. That how they talked about love and made love helped in
    the reconstruction of their character drawing. Sara – the title character of the novel – went
    through a development that also changed her conception of love: from the irresponsible
    teenager who enjoyed the company of various, sometimes rowdy boys, she gradually
    became an ideal wife and mother, with whom the sincere love prevailed. In this
    contribution, several models of love in the Sara Burgerhart epistolary novel were
    contrasted: the French-tinted, sentimentally colored libertine love game with the calm,
    reasoned feelings in the Dutch way. The result of such contradiction is easy to guess.

  • Een toeristische brochure: een oefening in persuasieve teksten: Casus: de Nederlandstalige brochure over Zagreb
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    Persuasive documents are defined as documents that transfer the information to the reader with the purpose of influencing their attitude. Travel brochures, like the brochure of the city of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, also belong to this category. Since tourism plays an important role in Croatia’s economy and since every year the number of Dutch speaking tourists visiting Zagreb is growing, a two-part study was conducted to test whether the Dutch translation of the brochure fulfils its purpose, i.e. whether it is convincing or not. The first part of the study was carried out using Hoeken’s (Het ont­werp van overtuigende teksten) pros-and-cons method. Six subjects participated in the study: three from the Netherlands and three from Flanders, Belgium. The second part of the study consists of authors’ analysis of the brochure based on Hoeken’s method as well. Finally, advice is given on how the brochure could be improved.