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The role of animal breeding with special regard to native pigs of food supply and rural development in Laos
149-154Views:288The present paper explored the influence of breeding native pigs on livelihood conditions and the contribution of native pigs to the rural development and rural poverty reduction in the rural areas of Lao PDR. Pig production plays an important role in meat supply for both urban and rural areas of Laos. It is clear that most of the pig products in the country come from smallholder pig farms, and more than 90 percent of those products are the native pigs mostly raised by farmers in remote areas. In general, livestock production distributed between 15–18 percent to GDP, while most of animal production still remains as the traditional methods. Rural development is always the first priority of the Laos government since its independence in 1975, however, the poverty rate in rural areas remained high at 23% in 2018. It might block the development goal of the government which will lead the country out of the least development status by 2020. The food security and malnutrition in the rural or mountainous areas are considered as the majority issue that both government and several international organizations have been thriving hard to overcome, which researchers showed that more than 45% of children under 5 years of age were stunted, and 28% of them were underweight. Inspired of more than 50 % of the households in the rural areas of Laos reported they consumed chicken and pork at least one day a week. While native pigs play an important role on meat supply, it also constituted around 9–14 % of annual income of the households in rural areas. Therefore, the increase the production of pigs and poultry is one option to promote the meat supply to households in the rural areas of Laos. This paper will be a pathway to guide and identify for the final decision to what experiment will be implemented on Lao native pig in Laos (2021–2023) to complete the comparative study on reproductive physiology and reproductive management methods of Hungarian and Lao Indigenous pig breed. Which found it still needs further afford to research and improve more about native pig performance for all areas of productive and quality management.
Phenotypic characterization of Satu Mare Tumbler pigeon breed
31-34Views:58The aim of this study was to determine morphological characteristics of the tumbler pigeon breed of Satu Mare. This pigeon breed was first described in 1932 and was very close to extinction at the end of the 20th century. Data collection was carried out in two stocks having birds from three breeders (Bertalan Juhos, Cosmin Lupu and Werner Hartmann) in Satu Mare. In addition to the breeder, sex and color variety were also evaluated. The performed conformation measurements were statistically compared using multifactor analysis of variance. Lupu’s birds were longer compared to other breeder’s stock, while beak and wing was longer in Juhos’s stock. Thoracic perimeter was smaller whereas queue length was the longer for Juhos’s birds. Cocks’ values were significantly exceeding values of hens, except beak length. Recessive red pigeons had longer body than blue birds. Beak length of recessive yellow pigeons was significantly longer that it was computed for black birds. Wingspan was longer for dun birds than it was estimated for recessive yellow pigeons. These differences show that there is reasonable genetic variability in the breed which is desired in small populations. Due to the variability within the breed, stabilising selection might be favorable, with a special account for avoiding inbreeding.
Perspectives of the livestock sector in the Philippines: A review
175-188Views:3511The Philippine livestock industry is a vital component in the country's agricultural sector. It contributes around 18.23 percent of the gross output value in agriculture and provides livelihood to many people living in rural areas, signifying its importance with regard to the country’s economy. The constantly increasing demand for animal protein associated with the increase of the world’s population led to the intensification of livestock production, realized through the various initiatives implemented by the government, such as the import of high producing purebreds of various species. This strategy greatly influenced the country's animal genetic resource's diversity and increased food animals' population; however, it impacted the native breeds of food animals. Understanding the characteristics, performance and value of native and exotic breeds is essential to prioritize their livestock industry existence. Thus, this paper aims to characterize various native and exotic breeds of livestock in the Philippines and assess the current conservation of native animals.
Origin, history and utilization possibilities of Carpathian Braunvieh at Hungary
15-20Views:257The Carpathian Braunvieh was established by the cross-breeding of Braunvieh and the small dun mountain breeds of the Carpathian basin. It has been breeding in Hungary about 100 years before and still living in Transcarpathia and Transylvania, but only in very mixed populations. Since it was a characteristic native cattle breed of the country, it should be retain for future generations and re-establish in Hungary. Our primary aim is to preserve the breed’s genetic resources and - if appropriate - to acclaim it as an indigenous breed. If there are no longer residuals of the old type Carpathian Braunvieh, it is still worth to preserve as a local variety, because of its many favourable features. Above all, it’s our duty to maintain the breed, because neither Transcarpathia nor Transylvania has a breeding programme for it.
The initial steps of the black grouse repatriation
63-68Views:152The black grouse in Hungary is an extinct but a native and protected species now. In the 19th century, they used to be common in the so called Nyírség, the North-Eastern part of the Hungarian Great Plains.
The project to re-patriate black grouse was started in 2005 by the Nyírség Company of Forestry. We studied the conditions of keeping and breeding black grouse from German and English specialists and we endeavoured to expand our breeding population in 2007.
We also started to make a database of the whole bird stock, containing biometrical data from every individual specimen and data about the eggs (weight, length, width) and nestlings (weekly weight growth). In the future, we will continue our work to breed black grouse and re-patriate the new offspring, which will be nearby wild populations in a similar bio-geographic environment. In a few years it is hoped we will be able to accomplish a wild population in a natural habitat. Our work is now to breed these birds in captivity – similar to their natural habitat – prior to their release into the wild, in order to preserve biodiversity for our descendants through re-patriating black grouse here in Hungary as well. -
New Possibilities of Brown Bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) Farming
55-57Views:114The brown bullhead (Ictalurus nebulosus) has been settled in Europe at the end of Century XIX from North America. In Hungary it has been brought in 1902. The naturalization of this species was successful because the brown bullhead found adequate conditions for its life and reproduction in Hungary. But it was unsuccessful because lost its excellent growth.
In inland water habitats-and that’s why also fishponds-extraordinarily multiplied, but because of its slight growth this species is undesirable for the native farmers. The brown bullhead is concurrent for domestic fish species, on the other hand its weight not more than 150-200 g. Occasionally it was exterminated, but multiplied again and again.
In 1999 we placed out black bullhead offspring in a pool of a new intensive fish farm, in order to breed at least 300-350 g weight for the customers. The accidental trial was surprisingly successful. Consequently, the black bullhead prefers the artificial food, and produces excellent growth parameters and specific feed-live weight conversation ratio.
On the 20th of September 1999 there was placed 23 300 pieces of brown bullhead offspring, with 28 g average weight and 625 kg gross weight. When we sold them on the 22nd of February 2000, the gross weight was 3387 and the live weight gain was 2735 kg. The gross weight of the feed was 3041,8 kg, and the feed-live weight conversation ratio was 1,11 kg/kg.
Because of this successful trial the managers of the farm wanted to start systematic experiments to work out the details of the intensive farming of brown bullhead. We undertook to help to find the right place of the species in the Hungarian fish processing because of the increasing native and foreign demand. -
The recent state of cryopreservation techniques for ex-situ gene conservation and breeding purposes in small ruminants: A review
81-87Views:348The viewpoint of the recent cryopreservation techniques (CT) suggests the use of a reduced volume of cryopreservation solution, high concentration of cryoprotectants and ultra-rapid cooling and warming rates help to reduce cryo-injury and maximize the viability of the preserved animal genetic resources (AnGR). The CT had now become widely accepted as one of the best methods of choice for the ex-situ conservation of AnGR due to its high success rate recorded and no-invasive nature as compared to the conventional slow rate freezing (CSRF). Rapid advances and wide acceptability of the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART’s) particularly artificial insemination (AI) in animal breeding had resulted in a greater loss of a large number of good quality genes in virtually almost all the native breeds of animals across the globe. Small ruminant (SR) animals are not an exception in such present predicaments situation of erosion and dilution of the valuable AnGR among the native breeds. As a result of this, 148 and 16 breeds of sheep and goats respectively have already become extinct in Europe and the Caucasus. In view of the aforementioned situation, the present review aimed at exploring some of the current states of development, roles played and potentials of CT in the conservation of SR genes and genome for the immediate and future breeding purposes for sustainable development. It basically covers; animal genetic resource, the need to conserve AnGR, tools for ex situ in vitro conservation of AnGR and recent developments in breeding and cryopreservation of SR AnGR.
Cryopreservation is playing a pivotal role in ex-situ gene conservation of AnGR. Decline in genetic diversity among SR breed population was high in Europe and the Caucasus. There is therefore, need for improvent on current stringent measures on conservation of AnGR in this region of the world.
Genetic diversity study of Hungarian honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies – Previous announcement
61-64Views:200In Hungary, the Apismelliferacarnica is the native breed which is the only recognised and breedable honey bee in the country. It is assumed that there are a number of non-native and hybrid honey bee breeds in Hungary. The microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA surveys applied here will be utilised to easily and accurately identify the various sprads, and open up new ways in the research of honey bees. The isolation of the genomial DNS from 5 to 7 day old larvae samples was successfully carried out. In the future the plan is to carry out the measure with microsatellite markers. As an initial step the optimal annealing temperature was identified. In the mitochondrial DNA survey the COI-COII mytochonrial regional primer due to its low anneling temperature cannot be used with any normal sequencing methods. By using these method the aim of this research is the measurement of genetic variance.