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Effect of fertilization on the potentially mineralize N forms of soil of long term field experiment was set in an acidic sandy soil
20-24Views:207The aim of this paper was to provide further information about the nitrogen mineralization processes of soil. A modified incubation technique was applied to establish the amount of easily soluble mineral and organic N forms during the incubation period. An acidic sandy soil was used for incubation, which was sampled from the „Westsik” long-term field experiment. The incubation was carried out on fifteen selected soil samples which were received different treatments since the experiment was set up.
From the obtained results, the amount of potentially mineralizable N and the mineralization rate constant were determined. Results of chemical analysis and biological interpretation of results are discussed. -
Economic Importance and Production Problems of White Lupin
122-125Views:82This paper presents economical importance of white lupin /Lupinus albus/. It is an important task as exceptional effectual green manure, that shows VIII treatment’s results of Westsik long-term field experiment. Content of white lupin seed is similar than content of soybean. By the forrage examination the soybean can substitute whit white lupin seed in 40%. The main problem of the production of lupin seed is the want of long term herbicides. For the solve of this problem to find herbicides which are efficiant for 80-100 days. First we have try 26 different herbicides.