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  • Species-specificity of the glutathione reduced form accumulation in the arboreal plants, testing influence of industrial emissions

    Conducted are researches of dynamics of glutathione reduced form maintenance in the leaves of arboreal plants which grow in the zones of different level of contamination by industrial emissions of“Red Lead Factory” LTD and ArselorMittal Kryvyi Rig. For comparison, similar  investigations were conducted in the intact Botanic Garden in s.c.t. Sofievka. Findings testify to absence of negative influence of industrial emissions and, thus, the arboretum of botanical garden also can be examined as conditional control. It was stated that it is set a few strategies of active oxygen forms and their metabolites deactivation, appearing in cells under action of environment negative factors. To our opinion, fluctuation of glutathione reduced form maintenance can examine as an index of plants stability, on which investigational species can be distributed on steady and moderato steady.

  • Intensity of free radical processes in the leaves of arboreal plants under act of industrial dust borne extracts

    The influence of industrial pollutants on the intensity of lipid peroxidation in the assimilatory organs of arboreal plant was investigated. The differential changes of the probed indexes are set depending on the species. Information is got can testify to participation of lipid peroxidation products in forming of reactions-answers of arboreal plants on influence of industrial dust borne extract with content of heavy metals. Determination of level and rates of accumulation of Zn, Ni, Pb and Cd, in the leaves of arboreal plants in the conditions of different 
    contamination level allowed to take species to two groups. To the first (phytoextraction potential exceeds a base-line level in 10 times) belong Populus bolleana Lauche, P. italica (Du Roi) Moench, Picea pungens Engelm and Sorbus aucuparia L. To the second (exceeds a base-line level from 5 to 10 times) belong Acer negundo L., Aesculus hippocastanum L., Betula pendula Roth and Tilia cordata Mill. The most substantial increase of peroxidation secondary product content (more than in 2.5 times) is peculiar for B. pendula, A. hippocastanum and P. pungens Engelm., that well conforms to the rates of heavy metals translocation, it has however species-specific character.

  • A partial botanical survey of a gamepreserve

    Hungary is internationally well known for its high level game management. An important part of game management is indoor game keeping. In Hungary more and more game preserves were founded all over the country. The role of these game preserves to retain forest stands outside of the closed area. According to the law, in the game-preserves the game bearing capacity is not the most important parameter, because in these areas the feeding is continuous. In practice it means that in game-preserves we find a much higher density of games than in nature. This causes a relative big loading of the area (of the herbaceous and arboreal), where the game-preserves are located. Our aim is to study the ecological and management issues of forest- and game resources. The scene of these work is a game-preserve related to the Nyírerdő Corporation (Nyíregyháza).
    We have done a botanical survey (plant coverage, life-form spectrum) in the three previous units and in the control area (outside of the game-preserve) as well. Our results show the difference in case of the state of herbaceous plants between areas with higher and lower game density.

  • The phosphate state and biochemical mobilization of phosphorus compounds in arboreal plants’ soils

    Some indices of the phosphoric fractions of primery degraded soils, which are formed separate areas of technogenic landscapes, on a spoil-bank of iron-ore mine in the near of Kryvyi Rig, under act of lignosa, which are used for biological recultivation of degraded soils are investigated. Maintenance of mineral phosphates and features of organic phosphorus accumulation are set in soil under arboreal planting. Nutrient supply of plants is enhanced by mobile phosphates and their dynamics during vegetation period. Activity of alkaline and acid phosphatase enzymes are concerned also. On the basis of the soil enzymes activity information it is stated, that under the 35-years-old plantage of Robinia pseudoacacia L. the biochemical mineralization of organic phosphorus compounds passes considerably more actively than under Pinus pallasiana D.Don.