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  • Effect of allithiamine on the level of hyperglycaemia-induced advanced glycation end products

    Diabetes mellitus is a rapidly growing public health burden in both developed and developing countries. Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by hyperglycaemia, which can cause tissue injury by several mechanisms. One of these is the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). In this study, the effect of allithaimine, a fat-soluble thiamine derivative, was investigated on hyperglycaemia-induced AGEs levels using human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) as a hyperglycaemic model. HUVECs were isolated by enzymatic digestion, characterized by flow cytometer and treated 30 mM glucose plus allithaimine or thiamine or cell maintenance medium as control.  Allithiamine was synthesized and purified. The structure of the synthesized and isolated compound was verified by reverse phase HPLC and MALDI-TOF. AGEs were evaluated by ELISA. Collectively, our results indicate that allithiamine can reduce level of the hyperglycaemia-induced AGEs similar to thiamine.

  • Dietary fibre prevalence and its role in human nutrition

    The role of dietary fibre and its impact on health is increasing. It is worth noting that their beneficial effects on the body are becoming more widely known, but their consumption is still below the recommended daily intake from food. Dietary fibre, as a class of compounds, includes a mixture of plant carbohydrate polymers, both oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Dietary fibre has been linked to a number of diseases, as its consumption can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. They influence the composition of the bacteria present in the human gut. Consuming the right quantity and quality of dietary fibre can play a role in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Nowadays, it is common to produce various fibre-enriched foods, called functional foods, because of the beneficial effects they have previously had on the body. In the present work we want to give a general description of dietary fibre and its role in the body.

  • Sour cherry as a functional food

    The antioxidant capacity of ’Debreceni bőtermő’, ’Újfehértói fürtös’ and ’Érdi bőtermő’ cultivars were determined by FRAP (Ferric Reducing Ability of Plasma), DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging activity) and photochemiluminescence method. In sour cherry, the most antioxidant effects of natural bioactive compounds are anthocyanins. Our results show that the photochemiluminescence method out of applied assays is ratheris suitable to determine the antioxidant capacity of red soft fruits and tart cherries. The correlation is good between the determined anthocyanin concent by this technic and pH-differential spectrophotometry. However, both FRAP and DPPH assays are inaccurate.

    The anthocyanin composition of ’Debreceni bőtermő’, ’Újfehértói fürtös’ and ’Érdi bőtermő’ ’Csengődi csokros’ sour cherry varieties were analised. There are big differences between the accumulation of anthocyanan compounds of cultivars. ’Csengődi csokros’ produce melatonin in large quantity. On the evidence of the results, we can say that the hungarian sour cherry cultivars are suitable for functional food development.

  • The possibilities of the development of functional dairy products

    Because of our new aged world’s emerging stress, over exhausting and move less lifestyle the pollution, the not appropriate food consuming and the low calories in the consumed food there are more and more the called „civilian” disorders.
    Many people have diabetes and osteoporosis others fight with lung, cardiovascular system, problems and find cancers of many kinds without age exemptions. 
    There could be a solution in changing lifestyle. In the developed side of the world there are presence of food lines with higher content in nutritious and/or vitamins and fibers such as: kalium, calcium, selen, magnesium, plus it contains less saturated fat. Because of that there is a new word in dietetics as functional foods.
    Food having more inner content and/or biological values, so healthier, are called functional foods. Those foods components picked carefully for healthiness by modern knowledge of dietetics.
    One of the best raw materials for functional food is the milk. It is already healthy by itself. The Körös-Maros Biofarm Ltd. has a goal of developing and marketing, health protecting organic functional foods in hungaricum products from cured milk. The Jedlik Ányos project helps the Ltd. to achieve this goal. We just finished an antioxidant test and we check if the antioxidant in present in the milk than we check the final product of the presence of the original antioxidant and the form and amount of it.
    It had been feeding, for two weeks for three herd of cows selected for age, milk output and consanguinity. All of the three herd had been feeding with basic forage. One of the herds had been getting vitamin-E in the amount of 250 mg/bwkg the other group got licopin in the amount of 200 mg/bwkg once a day each by each orally, the third herd was the control group. 
    After two weeks we toke a sample of every herd were processed the samples into yogurt and cheese. Than we checked the raw milk, the cheese and the yogurt for antioxidant content with HPLC method. The test ended with good results by finding a great amount of antioxidant, in not only the raw milk but also in the final product.