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  • The action of bed-slope the fish community’s composition of the watercorses on the Zagyva-Tarna watersystem

    Between 2003 and 2005 faunistic survey was completed in the sections of the low- and highland watercourses of the water-regime of the Zagyva and Tarna rivers. On the basis of bed-slope, dominance and frequency of the fish species the following sections can be divided in the examined streams:
    1./ Upper-chub-zone: the bed-slope is above 15 m/km. The typical species of this zone – the frequency of these is more then 50%, the dominance is more than 5% – is the Barbatula barbatula, but in the case of bigger streams Leuciscus cephalus is also characteristic.
    2./ Middle-chub-zone: the bed-slope is between 5-15 m/km. The typical fishspecies–besides the Barbatula barbatula and Leuciscus cephalus – is the Gobio gobio.
    3./ Down-chub-zone: in the case of larger watercourses (Zagyva and Tarna rivers) the bed-slope is 1,2-5 m/km, at smaller streamlets it is 1,7-5m/km. The typical fishspecies–besides the 3 above mentioned species–are the Cobitis elongatoides, the Alburnus alburnus and in the watersystem of Tarna the Alburnoides bipunctatus.
    4./ Top-perch-zone: the bed-slope is 0,3-1,2 m/km, or at smaller streamlets it is 0,3-1,7 m/km. The typical fishspecies–besidestheCobitis elongatoides, the Alburnus alburnus and the Alburnoides bipunctatus - are the Rutilus rutilus, the Gobio albipinnatus ant the Rhodeus sericeus.

  • Study of the Hejő brook watershed fish fauna

    Literature sources mention 18 fish species from the Hejő watershed. In order to learn more about the fauna, we studied the brook and its tributaries between 2003–2005. We detected a total of 32 fishspecies, 17 of which are new for the watershed. Most of these are native species (Rutilus rutilus, Leuciscus leuciscus, Leuciscus idus, Aspius aspius, Leucaspius delineatus, Gobio albipinnatus, Abramis bjoerkna, Abramis ballerus, Lota lota, Gymnocephalus cernuus, Sander lucioperca), but there are some adventive ones (Pseudorasbora parva, Carassius gibelio, Ameiurus melas, Lepomis gibbosus, Perccottus glenii) and a spontaneously immigrated species as well (Proterorhinus marmoratus).
    Specific natural values of the watershed are the isolated population of minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) in Kulcsárvölgyi Brook and the frequently occurring mudminnow (Umbra krameri) in the lower reach of Hejő Brook.