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  • The effect of crop rotation and fertilization on wheat and maize in the pedoclimatic conditions of the Banat Plain

    The simplification of the plant cultures range and the yields in the last 10-15 years brings into the actuality the role of crop rotation and
    of fertilization on the yield level and stability for wheat and maize even on the soils with a high natural fertility. The results of the researches
    performed between the years 2006 – 2009 on a cambic low gleyed chernozem from the Banat Plain showed that the wheat cultivated in
    monoculture gives productions with 59-81% lower than that cultivated in crop rotation with other plants during 2-4 years. In maize, the yield
    obtained in monoculture is situated behind that obtained in crop rotation with 11-21%. The most favorable crop rotations for wheat were
    rape-wheat in a 4 years rotation and soybean-wheat in simple rotation of 2 years. In maize, the most favorable was the 2 years rotation
    (wheat-maize). The mineral fertilization was very efficient both in wheat (11-36%) and maize (9-31%). The organic fertilization with manure
    was very efficient for maize, the yields being superior with a mean value by 34% for a 60 t/ha dose and with 16% for 30t/ha. The fertilization
    compensates the negative effect expressed by the monocultivation only in a small measure

  • Evolution of some components of agroecosystems productivity from Vinga Plain in water stress situations

    The researches are inscribed on line of substantiation of durable agricultural system, having main objective the prominence of
    quantitative and qualitative modifications made on agro-system level under the effect of no-tillage system for wheat, maize and soybeans.
    The experimental field is placed on a cambium chernozem, with a medium content of clay, dominant in the Prodagro West Arad agrocentre
    and representative for a large surface in the Banat-Crisana Plain.
    The passing to no-till system change the structure of technological elements, through less soil works, so the impact on agro-system is
    different comparing with conventional tillage, first less the intervention pressure on agro-system ant secondly appears new interactions, new
    equilibriums and disequilibriums.
    Considering the evolution of soil humidity, the observations made monthly (by taking soil samples and laboratory determinations) for
    the three cultures showed that in the no-till system, there are more uniform values in the soil profile, and in the variants where the deep work
    of soil was made it could be observed a low increase of the water volume in the soil.

  • Status of soil quality in south-west of Romania and its role in sustainable development of the rural space

    Being aware of lands ecological resources’ natural conditions and particularities for different uses and crops is of great importance
    for the big and small producers.
    In this paper we present the main aspects regarding the quality of the ecopedological conditions. Here there are briefly presented the
    physico-geographic conditions and the telluric-edaphic configuration of the area. Also, the structure of the main categories of agricultural
    activities in the physical geographical areas (mountains, hills and plateaus, high and low plains and meadows) and main soils’ types and
    associations are presented. Lands vocation for different use (arable, lawns, hay, orchard, vineyard
    The paper ends with highlighting the necessary measures for a lasting administration of ecopedological resources in the studied area.