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  • Turgenev Today: On the Problem of Perception
    17 p.

    The article deals with the question of how Turgenev’s work is perceived by the modern
    reader. There are identified aspects related to the complexity of understanding the writer’s
    texts, which are largely due to stereotypes that have developed in the culture of perception,
    and are also features of his poetics. There are different ways of new interpretations of Turgenev’s
    famous texts – those of the novels “Fathers and Sons” and “The Noble Nest”. In “Fathers
    and Sons” the idea of reconciliation with contradictions is emphasized, and ‘The Noble’s
    Nest” is considered a successful social project in literature. The article briefly highlights
    the main stages of Turgenev’s popularizing Russian culture in the West.

  • The Heritage of Tolstoy’s Artistic Detail in the Poetics of Chekhov (Defamiliarization and „Randomness”)

    One type of the “random Chekhovian detail ”can be referred to as a special cognitive phenomenon arising during the perception of the background and foreground within the depicted perception of the hero. In this paper, I suggest that this technique works if we perceive Chekhov’s laconicity against the detailed descriptions of the inner world of Tolstoy’s characters in the process of their estrangement. In the first part using the example of “War and Peace” I examine the “random” details concerning various features of Tolstoy's defamiliarization and show their transformation in Chekhov’s poetics. The examples from Chekhov’s early short stories “Grisha” and “Polinka” demonstrate an intermediate level of this transformation. In the second part I turn to the story “The Lady with the Dog” and consider the transformation of Tolstoy's technique through parallels with the novels “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”. The situation of Gurov and Tolstoy’s characters (Natasha, Prince Andrei, Levin) is similar with regard to the fact that they retain true love in their hearts and get  into an everyday social situation, where they are exposed to the the automatism and lies of everyday life with special intensity.

  • Hero of Contemporary Russian Prose: Anna Skotnicka, Szczelina. Bohater współczesnej prozy rosyjskiej i jego światy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2020, 335 s. ISBN: 978-83-233-4771-2

    The text contains a review of the monograph by the Polish literary critic Anna Skotniсka A fissure: A hero of contemporary Russian prose and his worlds. The author considers incompleteness, absence, and insufficiency as a property of the existence of the character of the works of Russian writers of the late 20th to early 21st centuries. The sources of this problem, according to Skotnicka, can be seen in the state of disintegration of the social, psychological and mental image of the world in a changing reality, especially historical changes: the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as political, cultural and social transformations. With these phenomena, the Polish literary critic also connects the concept of chaos, which is characteristic of the postmodern perception of the world as disunited, incomprehensible, alien in relation to people. Skotniсka considers these problems based on the works of Mikhail Kuraev, Svetlana Aleksievich, Roman Senchin, Lyudmila Petrushevskaya, Lyudmila Ulitskaya, Vladimir Makanin, and Mikhail Shishkin. The author refers to the current achievements of the humanities, especially philosophy. The work is innovative and stimulates reflection on the state of the modern human.

  • The Linguistic Means of Representation of the Category of Generality in the Text of A.P Chekhov’s Three Years

    The multi-level means of representation of the category of generality inherent in the language as a whole are reflected in the story of A. P. Chekhov "Three Years" in all their diversity. The characters of the work reflect on generally significant topics in the context of their own lives, thatimplementthe category of generality in the work. When language units function in the text of the story, their particular-specific and generalizing meanings interact, which causes a two-dimensional semantic perception both within a single utterance and the text as a whole. The use of the means of generalizing in the speech of the characters is pragmatically driven and is determined by the purpose of the speaker to depersonalize the statement or to influence the interlocutor, giving personal reflections a universal meaning.

  • The features of the use of color and light in the best works of the festival of video poetry “Videostikhiya”

    This paper deals with video poetry as a phenomenon of contemporary art. A brief excursion into the history of video poetry is presented. The popularity of video poetry in the early 21st century is explained in this paper throughmany factors, one of which is the systematic, since 2002, holding of various festivals and contests of poetic video clips. The main attention is focused on the analysis of video clips presented at the international festival of video poetry ‘Videostichia’. The peculiarity of the use of such a technique as color in the best video clips is revealed. It is noted that video poetry revises the idea of color, making it more symbolic and memorable. Each clip transforms the ordinary perception of color, turning it into a symbol of art and life.

  • The chronotope of O. E. Mandelshtam’s Poems about the Unknown Soldier

    The chronotope of O.E. Mandelstam’s Poems about the Unknown Soldier has at least three levels: (1)  the level  of internal time-space as immanent to the subject, the author-hero; this is the level of subjective refraction of events in individual consciousness/thinking; (2) the  level of external time-space: the historical and natural beginning of world life (historical and physical cosmos) in their correlation; here worldly life is presented as if outside any of its perception from the outside, “by itself”; and (3) the mythical-symbolic dimension shining through the other two; the events here are interpreted in their parabolical content, including in the aspect of the philosophy of culture and intertextuality as a kind of “new mythology”.

  • Grammatical Rules and Analogy in Natural Morphology

    Analogy plays a significant role in problem solving, as well as in decision making, argumentation, perception, generalization, memory, creativity, invention, prediction, emotion, explanation, conceptualization, and communication. Analogy is important not only in ordinary language and common sense (where proverbs and idioms give many examples of its application) but also in science, philosophy, law, and the humanities. Still, in linguistics it causes many uncertainties. The main purpose of this work is to study and examine the principles of Natural Morphology on the historical change of Bulgarian verbs. This study is a summary of how grammatical rules and analogy, and their antithesis dissolve in the theory of Natural Morphology. The focus of the paperis the historical variation of the Bulgarian Aorist.