Author Agreement Statement


We the undersigned authors ........................................ declare that the manuscript entitled .............................. and submitted to the scientific periodical Slavica (Annales Instituti Slavici Universitatis Debreceniensis) is free from plagiarism and is our own intellectual product.

Reserving our authors’ rights, we transfer the right of publication to the online periodical Slavica. We understand that, due to the requirements of the internet format, the transfer of the right of publication cannot be withdrawn after the study has appeared.

            We understand that we are not entitled to royalties or any other fees for producing and publishing our study.

            We understand that Slavica is an open periodical freely downloadable and available to all. No fee can be charged for downloading it by the authors, by the Editorial Board or by the Publisher.

            The authors understand that they do not remain anonymous to the Editorial Board of Slavica, to the reviewers or to the readers, and their names and places of work, together with the e-mail address of the first/corresponding author will appear in the periodical.

            The authors understand that the Corresponding Author is the sole contact for the whole editorial process. S/he takes legal responsibility for all aspects of the published study, including the suspicion of plagiarism, unlawful use of the reviewers’ names, data protection issues and publication of contents violating trade secrets, private interests or personality rights.

            The authors understand that they should send a copy of the present statement, properly signed by all of them, to the Editorial Board either electronically or in a hard copy format, simultaneously with the submission of the manuscript.


Dated ...............................MM .................................DD..........................Y


signature                                                                                e-mail address

address of workplace



signature                                                                                e-mail address

address of workplace