
Quantitative study of customer and consumer behaviour towards spas and balneo cosmetics, with special regard to the Central Hungarian region

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Amberg, N. (2023). Quantitative study of customer and consumer behaviour towards spas and balneo cosmetics, with special regard to the Central Hungarian region. Régiókutatás Szemle, 6(2), 131-148.

The starting point for the presentation of the topic indicated in the title of the study is the use of spas in Central Hungary (mainly belonging to Budapest Spas cPlc.), and the purchase and consumption of balneo cosmetics (especially the Budapest Spas product family, which is Budapest Spas cPlc.'s balneo cosmetics family) a description of a research model describing the relationship between factors - based on literature, secondary sources and qualitative research. This last phase of the research concludes with the interpretation of the result of single-phase online quantitative data collection (n = 218) based on the research model concept. The methods used in the study are one-, two- (cross-tabular) and multivariate (principal component analysis and cluster analysis) methods. Univariate methods show the prominent role of each key variable. Bivariate or multivariate methods explore the relationships between the variables examined and the lists of claims in the field of spas and balneo cosmetics. The objectives (and results) related to the data collection were as follows: The advantage of spas in Budapest is that they are relatively close to each other, so their frequency of visits is one or more times a year. The spas of Pest County are the least visited, which may be due to the unknown nature of the spas here. The frequency of visits to the examined Budapest spas can be explained by their awareness, frequency and breadth of services. The most common reason for visiting regional spas is the refreshment, which is behind the variable, the reason why consumers, in their conscious free time, look for the opportunities provided by medicinal waters, by which they can recharge and relax. The need for recreation, on the other hand, does not show a difference between each age group, as all age groups need rest and recharge. Among the spa services, a distinction can be made between basic, extended and extra packages, of which the basic and extended packages are used more by women and the extra packages are mainly used by men. Consumer groups can also be formed based on the reasons for using the spas. There are consumers who are open and there are those who are not open about their attitudes towards spa services. Spas are generally used by consumers for regeneration, disease prevention and recreational reasons. Balneo cosmetics are especially bought by women, both for medical, preventive and recreational purposes, and because they consider these cosmetic products to be anti-allergenic, ie they do not fear the risk of developing allergies. In terms of openness to balneo cosmetics, there is an open and an open group for balneo cosmetics, and an open group that cannot be called open for all factors examined. The practical applicability of the research is to make medicinal waters as widely known as possible in relation to both spas and balneo cosmetics.

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