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Search Results

  • The significance of foreign language Geography teaching in the dual language secondary school programmes of the Northern Great Plain region

    Dual language education has been present in numerous institutions across the Northern Great Plain region of Hungary. Educational centres across the region have been running dual language programmes in secondary grammar schools and vocational schools for decades. As regional centre and traditional educational hub, Debrecen is also represented by a number of schools offering international programmes. Although recent socioeconomic and education policy changes have forced schools for constant renewal, bilingualism in educational programmes managed to remain popular, partly due to the achievements of foreign language subject teaching. Through the alignment of subject-specific content and the development of language competence, this form of education effectively contributes to the improvement of students’ language skills, shapes their mindset and expands their further education and increases their market value as potential workforce. This study will explore the role and impact of foreign language Geography teaching across the secondary schools of the Northern Great Plain region through the lens of teaching and educational research, by discussing some of the relevant regional findings of a broader PhD dissertation (including school visits, final exam results and a recent nationwide teacher survey). Research findings prove that Geography has been a popular subject choice to be taught in foreign languages: it has been present in the majority of the 15 dual language secondary schools of the region, it has been playing an important role in vocational school programmes and it has been chosen as final exam subject by nearly 1,000 candidates.

  • Future-proof skills - What do you expect to need in the jobs of the future?

    Advances in Artificial Intelligence and robotics have made it possible to automate many high-level cognitive skills, but different jobs and occupations may be affected differently by technological developments. High-skilled occupations are less at risk of automation, as they also require skills and competences that remain important bottlenecks to automation. However, according to OECD 2022 results, the jobs most at risk from automation will not disappear completely, as only 18-27% of the skills and competences required in these occupations are highly automatable. Rather, it is likely that the organisation of work will need to be radically changed and that workers in these jobs will need to retrain as technology replaces workers in many tasks.

    In my study, I aim to summarise, based on the literature of recent years, the key skills that will potentially equip workers for the diverse workplace demands of the near future, arising from technological developments.

    I conducted a keyword search of the Scopus database for future jobs, workplaces, occupations, skills, abilities and competences. I narrowed down the search results to the period 2021-2023, English language journal articles, economic and business fields and relevant keywords associated with the articles by the authors. In addition to these articles, I also reviewed the reporting materials of other relevant professional organisations (OECD, World Economic Forum) for the period. The geographical, regional and territorial differentiation of the studies was taken into account.

    In my findings, I have also discussed the role of universities and other educational institutions in meeting the employability expectations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in order to ensure that they can provide skills that are as relevant as possible to market expectations.  I will highlight the top 69 skills identified in the hospitality industry and their groupings, and the elements of the 4 important skill groups identified for accountancy professionals. I also cover the future-proof skills that entrepreneurs are expected to have. In general, I will describe the appreciation of soft skills based on the academic findings of recent years.

    The results collected can also serve as useful information for individual human capital investment decisions, organisational training and even the design of training frameworks for educational institutions.

  • Public collections of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county for regional researchers

    The public collection is a collective term, which contains national, local or public library’s, archives, picture and sound archives and museums. These institutions are collecting and systemizing document and allow them for use. There are public collections in ecclesiastical ownership and there are valuable private collections, which in some fortune cases serve scientific research in public collections. So is it in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, where many public collections contain the history of the region, including the lives of the inhabitants, their naturals and the economic conditions. There are other serious sources besides the well know county library, archives and museum. The goal of this study is to introduce these not well-known sources for bigger audience. For an area where the border has been severely changed by the history, the importance of cross-border archives, virtual books and data are more relevant to researchers. Among national database this study presents a number of local portals such as the "" or the "Byzantinohungarica" portal which created by the Greek Catholic Heritage Research Group.

  • Goat keeping, goat milk production, importance and consumption of goat milk products with regional outlook

    Goat milk production is a dynamic and continuously expanding branch, which determines the life of millions of people. Goat milk and the cheese made from it, was venerated in ancient Egypt, with some Pharaohs supposedly placing these foods among the other treasures in their burial tombs. Goat milk and manufactured goat milk products play significant role in human nutrition. Starving and malnourished people in the developing world consume more goat milk than cow milk. Goat milk plays an important role in the treatment of certain health problems. The gastronomic needs of connoisseur and health conscious consumers, which is a growing market share in many developed countries, can be met by goat milk and manufactured goat milk products. The aim of our study is to review the most relevant international and Hungarian studies, overview the regional situation of (dairy) goat breeding, goat milk production and consumption as well as the nutritional benefits of goat milk and manufactured goat milk products to human health.

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