
Farm size and concentration of Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish arable crop partnerships

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Erdős, A. D., & Szőllősi, L. (2023). Farm size and concentration of Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish arable crop partnerships. Régiókutatás Szemle, 7(2), 41-50.

The objective of the study is to determine the farm size and hence the concentration of Hungarian, Slovakian and Polish arable crop production partnerships. The FAOSTAT and EMIS databases were used for the research. The former was applied by the analysis of arable crop production in the analysed countries, while the latter was used to process the financial data of the sampled partnerships. After exclusion of critical values, the sample included 822 Hungarian, 226 Slovak and 967 Polish partnerships. When comparing the concentration of these partnerships by total asset and by net sales revenue, the former proved to be higher, except for the Polish, while the degree of concentration did not change from 2018 to 2020 for any of the countries. In contrast, the share of micro and small farms in the size of the Hungarian and Slovakian partnerships differed significantly from 2018 to 2020. In the category above 70 percent, Hungarian partnerships had the highest proportion of equity to total asset ratio, while Polish (24%) and Slovakian (26%) partnerships had similar proportion in the category below 30 percent (as the most unfavourable category). However, the latter indicates a significant dependence on external sources.

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