
Features of organizational culture change

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Gál, Z. (2023). Features of organizational culture change. Régiókutatás Szemle, 5(2), 73-80.

Nowadays, change has become a commonplace. Organizations are also undergoing changes that shall meet to survive in the long term. Organizational culture is one of the important factors that can contribute to a successful and timely response. However, in many cases, due to external environmental effects change also the organizational culture. In such cases it is necessary to act in a planned and conscious manner. Changing culture is a complex, complicated task. There are many approaches that list the factors of successful cultural change. These define the key of success along different ways, but some similarities can be observed. The leader has a most important role in such a situation. In this paper I introduce the basic relationships, the background and the evolution of the change, organizational culture and cultural change.

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