
Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Research of career opportunities among female workers

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Szántó, G. (2023). Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Research of career opportunities among female workers. Régiókutatás Szemle, 6(2), 98-109.

„Is the glass ceiling a self-fulfilling prophecy?! – Connection between career opportunities and competencies among female workers” research has focused on the presence of women in the labor market. The objective of the questionnaire research is to assess whether women are stuck at certain career levels due to the lack of competence and motivation. During the research, I was able to gain insight into women’s attitudes towards careers, which showed a positive picture. I assessed that they were motivated, and I also got answer to the main question, that significant percentage of the 161- person sample would like to work as a leader, and they would have the appropriate skills. However, I was also told that they are building their own barriers to the workplace, many of them are happy with their current job, but not wanting more. The presence of a glass ceiling in the workplace is important to get proper attention as women make up a significant part of the labor market.

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