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  • The Comoedia Togata, a ‘Roman’ Literary Genre?

    This paper aims to shed fresh light on the Togata. By analysing the extant fragments, I will investigate if and in what sense it may be defined as a ‘Roman’ literary genre. I will focus on its ‘Roman-ness’, and I will highlight that it is a complex concept, without the ‘nationalistic’ connotations that one normally gives to the notion. I will demonstrate that the Togata is ‘Roman’ because it betrayed an attempt at creating a genre distinguished from the Palliata, and it had a widespread ‘Roman’ patina, with settings, names, and stereotypes which one would not find in other contemporary genres, in particular the Palliata. At the same time, I will also reflect on the fact that the Togata was a multifarious genre, with Latin, Italic, and Greek elements, and I will show that this was, paradoxically, another aspect of its ‘Roman-ness’.

  • Per una rivisitazione della praetexta repubblicana

    Varr., Lat. 6, 18 togata praetexta non va corretto in toga praetexta, come fin dall’editio princeps, senza tenere in debito conto Diom. GLK 1, 589, 18. Allude invece a puntuale rappresentazione scenica, databile con una certa sicurezza ai ludi Apollinares del 208. Questi cadevano fra il dies Poplifugia e le nonae Caprotinae, a loro volta coincidenti con la vitulatio, specificamente attestata da Pisone in Macrobio. La loro distinta genesi ha assunto col tempo connotati misti, generando confusioni ed equivoci tanto di interpretazione linguistica che di ricostruzione storico-antiquaria, per quanto attiene sia al simbolismo rituale che agli antefatti pseudostorici che l’accumulo di dette feste in pochi giorni intendeva commemorare.