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  • Cursed horses

    In the collection of the Musée Bargoin in Clermont-Ferrand, there is a small lead tablet folded into a cylindrical shape around its longitudinal axis, therefore its interior is difficult to study. However, a faint drawing of a horse’s head can be seen on its outer surface. In the middle of the horse’s eye, there is a round hole, which the maker of the tablet used for the depiction by drawing around it an almond-shaped line, i.e. the contour of the eye. Its nose is somewhat narrow compared to its neck and is slightly phallic in shape. Dimensions of the tablet: height 140 mm, width 50 mm. Its finding location is uncertain, but the inventory book claims it was found in Bir el Djebbana, Carthage. Its dating is equally uncertain, according to the inventory book: 2nd century AD.