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  • CIL III 9527 as Evidence of Spoken Latin in the Sixth-century Dalmatia

    The epitaph of Priest Iohannes (CIL III 9527, Salona, August 13, 599 or AD 603) is one of the few inscriptions from the sixth-century Salona, which can be dated with precision. It is also one of the rare inscriptions from Dalmatia of this period, which mention a person (proconsul Marcellinus) known from other sources (Registrum epistularum of Pope Gregory the Great). However, its linguistic importance seems to be summarized in the remark of its most recent editor Nancy Gauthier (2010) that the language of the epitaph reflects the features of Latin spoken in Dalmatia at the time (“la langue vivante”). The aim of this paper was to check the plausibility of this statement by comparing the Vulgar Latin features in the inscription with the results of research on Latin in late Dalmatia. Also, a new interpretation of the word obsis l. 13 is proposed.

  • Erneut über eine Familie von Fabiern aus Apulum

    This is a broad treatment of the family of T. Fabius Ibliomarus, a Treverian merchant who became decurio kanabarum at Apulum under Commodus (CIL III 1214). His sons, Aquileiensis and Pulcher, rose to the equestrian order. The first one fulfilled the militiae equestres (AE 1971, 385 and 1992, 1487), the second one seems to have exercised a procuratorian charge (CIL III 1157). There are moreover other Fabii at Apulum, who could belong to the same family. In particular Fabia Lucilla, a daughter and wife of equestrian rank, honored as mater collegiorum fabrum et centonariorum in Colonia Aurelia Apulensis (CIL III 1297), is surely a descendant of Ibliomarus. This case-study demonstrates the social advancement of immigrants in the local gentry, and some kinships between the elite from the canabae of the Legio XIII Gemina and the aristocrats of the neighboring town Apulum.

  • Valerius and Decoratus Crescens on CIL III 15169

    The paper examines a rediscovered inscription (CIL III 15169) and its dating. It raises the question why the relief depicts one man, though a father and his son were buried under the gravestone.