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  • European Funds and the Evaluation of Their Application in the Northern Great Plain Region

    Presently, the process of regionalization is slowly progressing in Hungary. The regional institutional system is young and the institutional experiences are limited. The Hungarian regional development agencies are operated with a limited number of personnel and their budget is only a fraction of EU regional agencies of similar size. There is no unequivocal cooperation between regional development agencies and county development agencies. In the absence of these, the strategical objectives of the region cannot be aligned and the application of consistent development policies cannot be achieved. In the past five-six years the supports from EU Pre-Accession Funds, along with the new tools of regional development policies, have all contributed to the development of the North Great Plain Region. Phare projects – beside supporting development – have played a significant role in forming the approach of individuals who are actively involved in regional development, in promoting cooperation among cross-border and other regions, as well as in preparing the regions to accept EU structural funds. Prior to the May 1st, 2004 EU accession of Hungary, the North Great Plain Region received 24-25% in direct regional development funds in the Nineties. The support per capita in the case of TFC, TEKI and CÉDE has exceeded the national average. The North Great Plain Region has received support from investment type agricultural supports, the Employment Fund and the Touristical Directives that well exceeded the national average, from the sectoral resource funds. However, the applicants of the North Great Plain Region have received little support in the case of environmental, water management and especially road development supports. About 200 applications have been submitted for the SAPARD calls nationally, 32 of these were from the North Great Plain Region. The significance of cooperation among sub-regions is demonstrated by the fact that, except for 15 settlements in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, all have submitted an application. The efforts of inhabitants is highlighted by the high number of submitted applications, as well as by the significant degree of own contribution. Still, the GDP of the North Great Plain Region has not increased, the rate and tendency of unemployment does not sufficiently reflect the positive effect of supports. The Regional Development Directive has provided support for the development of many small- and medium size enterprises, but their effect did not ensure a sustained economic growth.
    The greatest difficulty is that the number of dedicated professionals who are skilled in regional politics and regional development is few. However, advantages of our EU accession can only be exploited if a group of highly skilled professionals is provided on local, county, regional and national level as well. Thus, we need a group of professionals who are informed about the European Union, the EU support forms and most of all about the operation of Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds to establish the suitable institutional background for professionally handling the funds obtained from the EU, to prepare the professional documents to access the funds and to generate development projects to efficiently use the funds as well as establishing connections with the institutions of the EU. Appropriate share from funds coming from the EU is only possible if the country, certain regions, counties and sub-regions can achieve rapid results in the areas listed above.

  • The strengthen of the second pillar in the European Union and Hungary

    The Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) took shape in the early 1960s. At that time the first action was to stop food shortages. Among the objectives of the Treaties of Rome appeared the subvention of rural development had not yet.
    Rural development appeared, in 1992, in connection with accompanying measures, and by end of decade, the European Agricultural Model had taken shape. Agenda 2000 pointed out the direction of rural development and introduced the first and second pillars in the CAP. The regulations of rural development were simplified by 1257/1999/EC, which stressed the importance of rural development to and it has to continue the principle of subsidiarity and has to be decentralized.
    The last enlargement raised new problems, the mid-term review of Agenda 2000 occurred and resulted in a new CAP-reform in 2003. The 1783/2003/EC rural development regulation modified the previous regulation. According to the new regulation it is necessary to strengthen the new rural development policy, enlarge the circles of accompanying measures, place greater emphasis on requirements of environment, human resource, animal welfare and plant health. Digression and modulation take part in the new CAP-reform in order to increase the role of rural development in the common budget.
    In the next budget from 2007-2013, the European Union wants to create a single rural development fund and simplify programming, financing, monitoring. The EU wants to enlarge the instruments of rural development with a four axis model.

  • When and what quantity shall we buy? Optimal cereal – acquisition strategies

    For farm products, it is typical that goods appear in a certain period of time in gross; therefore, from the viewpoint of forestallers/users, it is an important question how much and when to buy and for growers how much and when to sell. Among the costs that have affects on income, we have to emphasize stockkeeping costs (i.e. cost of tied-up capital, ordering costs) and acquisition costs. The last one is very important, because we can
    notice great divergences in prices for cereals associated with the significant seasonal factors for a given year, so acquisition prices affect substantially the evolution of our costs.
    We can establish the strategies in two steps: setting up 2 models and interconnecting them. One means the strategies that differ from each other in ordering quantities and these comparative analyses. This model contains the analyses of seasonal effects and also the results that we apply in the model. The other one is a dynamical mathematical programming model which – by considering alternative investments – helps us to choose from the strategies in the previously mentioned model that one, which assures us maximum income. 

  • Analyzing the Efficiency of Dairy Farms by Using the Method of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

    In Hungary the dairy sector is in a long-term critical period, the stock has been in constant decline. The consumption of milk and dairy products in Hungary is slightly rising compared to the world tendency, and it is fallen behind the level in 1990. The milk consumption per capita in 2006 was with 75 liters less than the EU-15 average. Dairy enterprise is a very risky activity: the profitability of the enterprise is affected by the fluctuation of feed and animal health products prices from the side of inputs, and by the fluctuation of end-product prices. Under these circumstances it is vital for the
    cattle breeders, in order to survive, to harness the reserves in the breeding as effectively as possible. In our research we made a multi-faceted efficiency analysis of an agricultural holding’s three dairy farms. The chosen method for the analysis was Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The
    selection of the method is justified by the fact that there is not such a reliable database by which we could define production functions, and that DEA makes possible to manage several inputs and outputs, i.e. multiple decision problems, simultaneously. By using DEA the sources that causes shortfalls can be identified, analyzed and quantified on farms that does not operate efficiently, thus it can help the corporate decision support successfully. In the model inputs are the cost data per one liter milk – feed, medicinal product use, logistic costs -, and the main parameters
    concerning the keeping and rearing. Outputs are indicators concerning milk production, milk quality and others. We prepared the model in MS Excel, the linear programming model series were programmed by Visual Basic. After solving the model, in light of the shadow prices we can determine why either of the farms is not efficient.

  • Expansion of the small cable television counterparts of market leading commercial channels in view of Hungarian regional and social aspects

    Currently, there are 102 Hungarian-language television channels in Hungary. TV2 Hungary is the second largest commercial television channel. Current trends in the television market in Europe indicate that large channels are expanding their portfolios while at the same time selling their smaller units. This trend has now affected Hungary as well.

    After having TV2 for 16 years, MTM-SBS Television Ltd. eventually expanded its portfolio with three new cable channels. The first new channel was FEM3, a channel directed at women, which was launched on January 1, 2010. A year later, the male channel, PRO4, was launched and finally, SuperTV2, primarily a premium entertainment channel, was launched on November 2, 2012. Although the main channel, TV2, remained free, the new pay channels on cable received a significant amount of investment from venture capitalists and Pro7Sat1 for the development of new content.

    SuperTV2 is a premium channel. When the channel was launched, the goal was to target those viewers who had turned away from watching the increasingly less-sophisticated content on the commercial channels as well as those who were not drawn to the programming on public television. When the viewer stats were examined, the channel had proven itself. The premium brand of Super TV2 was successful in attracting new viewers and consumers and within a year it had gained a strong foothold over more than 100 other Hungarian-language channels.

  • Development opportunities for storing and displaying of spatial data in long-term experiments

    Long-term experiments are required to evaluate the impact of irrigation, nutrient utilization, and year factor as well as to assess the potential consequences of climate change. However, in the long-term experiment, it may be necessary to display spatial data for each parcel, either for investigation of soil heterogeneity or presentation. This article aims to provide help for researchers working in long-term experiments for storing and displaying spatial data.

    After the outlines of each experimental site were measured with GPS, a spatial database has been created in Quantum GIS. Then, a filter script in R statistical environment using RStudio graphical interface was written. The script helps avoid the QGIS data input interface so that large data can be attached to each parcel directly and as a result there is no need for a separate data entry, only the basic statistical database.

    The created GIS database can be used in many ways; it can be exported to KML file format that can be displayed using Google Earth. It is possible to view exported KML files in Google Drive with importing them to Google My Maps application, and with that a browser can display the map. With the Google Drive the maps can be shared within the research group, additionally the outlines can be edited and it is possible to upload the measurement data to the attributes table to existing empty table columns. The map created in Quantum GIS can be used for presentation purposes.