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  • The launch on the way to development or the „revival”... (Comparisons of theoretical and practical approaches apropos of the change and crisis management process of smes and mature companies) .

    Hungarian SMEs, just like those in other EU member states, often cease for various reasons. Among these factors are many, which should not necessarily turn out this way. These factors are studied in numerous countries while the attempt is also made to create the systems of conditions for these enterprises to recover – often through various aids and supports (from public supports to non-governmental initiatives). Among other things they are trying
    to organize those services with the help of which – if there is the slightest hope for survival – those SMEs in trouble or having serious difficulties could avoid going down by recovering from
    their problematic situation and getting improvements.
    These days this issue comes up more and more urgently in Hungary, as well. It has quite a few signs indicating that – among other things – the reports, the enquiries and commissions of the
    National Association of Change and Crisis Managers (VOE), all of which – just like "thermometers" – reflect this tendency well. 
    I have been doing research on this topic since 1993. As an expert I utilize them, and as a VOE member, vice president, then president I process the relevant Hungarian but mainly French
    experience on the subject. I intend to present those few theoretical and practical results and applicable experience I have reached this way in this presentation of mine.

  • Analysis of the reasons for the crisis and insolvency of agricultural enterprises

    The huge insolvency of the enterprise organizations is very adverse for the national economy, the first social and economic task of each country, Hungary as well, should be the maintenance
    of the efficient and viable organizations. The liquidation of the agricultural organizations has much more economic and social effects. As a result of my researches I declared that most of the
    time the causes, which led to the liquidation of agricultural organizations, are independent from the organisation and are external. The common feature of external causes are that they are
    not influenced by the organisations, so they cannot be avoided. So the adaptation to the external causes has huge importance in the battle of avoidance of insolvency.

  • External governance and economic patriotism in European policies

    The concept of external governance tries to define the expanding scope of EU rules beyond EU borders. This article presents the theoretical foundations of the concept, differentiating the various institutional modes according to which external governance may take place. Due to the financial and economic crisis the European Union is forced to strengthen its competitiveness opposite to cohesion. In the second part of the study I present the five mechanisms by which the European Union may foster its position in the global competition. The five mechanisms are as follows: extension of the political space of the EU, expansion of the regulation mechanisms of the EU, active coaching of international organisations, territorial extension of the EU’s influence, division of the costs of globalization. After that I deal with the different forms of economic patriotism. Economic patriotism plays crucial role in maintaining the performance and strengthening the position of some preferred domestic industries, ‘national champions’. Tools of economic patriotism differ due to ideological affinities.

  • Experiences of organizing the social institutions into non-profit companies in Hajdú-Bihar county

    The study attempts to find solutions for relieving the major serious economic and social problems which are resulted partly by the economic crisis, mainly by demographic processes ( decrease of population, declining economic activity, ageing) and which occur all over Europe. In 2007, in Hungary, the Local Government of Hajdú-Bihar county started to reform the social institutions sytems in a unique way in the interest of operating these systems economically. The experiences, gained after the conversion, show that the companies as social institutions maintainers are able to work properly more efficiently, with less government support while they meet the professional requirements, and the management who does the control is competent
    and innovative. 

  • Slovenian economy in the grip of credit crisis – How to proceed?

    The Slovenian economy has been through steep ups and downs post-EU accession (2004), and is at the crossroads again. The period 2004–2008 was characterized by balanced monetary and fiscal policies resulting in the adoption of the Euro (2007), coupled with overheated economic growth and propelling corporate indebtedness, fuelled by rapid credit expansion from cheap and abundant foreign funding.

    The global financial crisis has exposed the “home-grown” vulnerability of the Slovenian economy, bringing about the second largest GDP fall (9.4%) in the Eurozone after Greece, with a double-dip recession (2009, 2012–13). Growth rebounced in 2014 to 2.6% from its low, but the competitiveness of the Slovenian economy continued to slide in international rankings. For further recovery Slovenia, squeezed by high public debt at 82% of GDP, credit contraction despite EUR 5bn state aid injected into the 70% domestically (basically state) owned banking sector, and the continued threat of massive bankruptcy and debt overhang in the corporate sector, has 3 fundamentally different policy options.

    − Profound restructuring of the banking system and the real sector, on the basis of earnest privatization and voluminous FDI inflow.

    − Slow creditless recovery due to half-hearted reforms in the financial system and corporate sector.

    − Substituting wide-ranging micro level restructuring with Government-stimulated credit expansion, reproducing current tensions in even higher magnitudes in the future.

    In the current state of the Slovenian economy, equity-led growth, combined with far-reaching institutional reforms seems the only choice in laying the foundation for long-term sustainable economic development. This study outlines the critical further steps in re-invigorating the financial system, utilizing also the proposals elaborated by the author and his banking team for the Slovenian macro policy decision-makers.