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  • The study of attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes towards the blind and people of visually impaired

    Living with visual impairment is not only a state but it is also a social connection. This relationship has two directions: on one hand it means belonging to the community of the blind and visually impaired, and on the other hand it means the lack of belonging to the healthy population. To study their situation and to tackle the issue of their social and work-related integration is an essential goal for this particular disadvantaged group as well as for the society. In my research I have examined how intensive and of what scale the emloyers’ attitude, stereotypes and prejudices towards the blind and visually impaired are. The research was centred around the measure of attitude, which was carried out with the help of an Osgood semnatic difference scale.

  • Cross-Sectional Examination of Agricultural Firms in Relation to the Leaders’ Attitude

    As a PhD student at the Management Department of Debrecen University my project was to find examine circumstances of agricultural business entities in connection with structural, social and economic changes. This topic is integral part of the research program „Functional Study of Business-Management”, specified the topic „Structural Management Researches”.
    My setting of objectives were to find any connection between changes and attitude of leaders. I tried to explore the direction, tightness and tendencies of these relations, to choose some special management-method, which ones are much more succesfull than the other ones during the change-managing process. The base of my experiences are the results of special questionnaires, which were sent to several member of different type of enterprises relating to agricultural activity.

  • Arrival of invasive pests in our direct environment and control opportunities

    The author refers about the nowadays applied practical plant protection activities against pests occuring on trees, shrubs and turfs of public domains. It is overviewed those insects, diseases and weeds which cause damages and touched also upon disturbing the local residents only and tasks to the plant protection engineer expert to manage them. Among the special features of public domains should be mentioned that the rules are difficult to harmonize according to the legal, public health, and horticulture requirements at the same time. The anti-pesticide attitude of EU and the modest range of pesticides which are applicable on public domains make difficulties in optimal management work. The author draws up proposals how to manage the complex plant protection on public domains.

  • The relationship between the organizational culture and the individual attitude, particulary the question of individualism and collectivism

    There is considerable consensus regarding the development of organizational culture; namely, that culture is the result of socialization, evolving through a social learning process. However, the mechanism of the process itself, along with the factors influencing it, raises a number of questions that are researched by different schools of thought. Some of the contextual factors that affect the development of culture, such as the characteristics of national culture or charismatic and other dominant people as role models, seem to be quite influential, especially when other influential factors affect these as well. Value analysis can be helpful for understanding the essence of organizational culture, and it can reveal underlying, hidden phenomena. The results of these studies depict organizational culture as a list of values or as a hierarchy. Values carry emotions as well, that may refer to their link with attitudes and to the fact that the two can be mixed up. The latest innovations in action and thought were the results of the political changes of the 1990s whose implications can be identified in both individual and national values. Changes of views and attitudes also emerge in the changes of collectivist-individualistic thinking and values which become part of the organizational culture and value structure according to value-centered analyses. The changing values define and influence our own opinions, identity, and, in turn, our behavior. Values reflected by our behavior and actions are to be guided by the harmony of individual, organizational, and national value systems. The lack of this synergy results in the dissonance of contrastive values and blocks actions. This, in turn, interferes with individual productivity and thus slows down organizational productivity as well. Our goal should be the synergy of values which creates the harmony of individual thinking and behavior since this harmony is the basis of success and productivity.

  • New and innovative consumer demands and expectations on the Hungarian food market

    Food and eating have always encompassed more than the simple intake of nutrients; therefore, when thinking about food consumption, we need to examine several groups of influencing factors whose correlations from the aspect of the consumer are described by a complicated matrix. This paper focuses on the selection of signs indicating new and innovative consumer behaviours, and on the megatrends that are the driving forces of transitions and that lead to the consequences of strikingly reconsidered consumer decisions nowadays. The authors stress that there are qualitative and structural changes in food consumption in Hungary, with an increasing quantity of differentiated consumer demands appearing, a few of them influencing our everyday decisions even at
    the concept level. The findings of primary research originated from a personal questionnaire survey consisting of 2001 respondents, in which we also focused on the attitude towards eating and media consumption related to gastronomy.
    This paper is an introduction to the market segments detectable in the present Hungarian population aged 15–74 in the topics concerned. 

  • The study of environment-conscious attitudes in the food-industry companies of the Northern-Plain Region

    that the world of business, profit and work is not a hermetically closed area, but is in interaction with its closer and wider surroundings, ultimately with society and the natural environment.
    The affectedness of each sector and company varies. To be able to tackle these problems, first and foremost the commitment of companies towards environmentally conscious attitude is necessary, which can form as a result of inner obligation or outer pressure. Thus companies will be concerned to measure and quantify the environmental effects of all activities.
    Some of the companies have already given their votes for environment-protection. Both internationally and at home it seems that the responsible leaders of more and more companies build social, human rights and environmental protection considerations in the objects and values of the company apart from profit maximization.
    In my thesis I present the data gathered from a questionnaire survey carried out with food-industry companies in the Northern-Plain Region. The aim of the survey was to evaluate the commitment of companies towards environmental protection via solid data. The fact that more than half of the respondents found the positive effects of environmental protection of little importance and that environmental protection was the last among the aims of some companies reflected greatly in the following outcomes.

  • A study of the changes in management tasks

    Determining the scope of management is difficult owing to the terminological uncertainty, which can be experienced often. The terms of management theory are interpreted differently not only by the general public but also by the highly recognised specialists, researchers, and instructors of this special area. The reasons for this can be found in historical preliminaries, the different social environment, attitude and approach. The definitions and the content of the terms have been modified and developed in parallel with the social and economic changes (Berde, 2001). The consequences of the economic changes of the past decade have significantly affected the conditions for the operation of management, the management structures, the ranking and importance of management tasks. The differentiating of corporate sizes, the increase in the number of small and medium-sized enterprises, the simplification of the production structure, the decrease in management levels, the strengthening of proprietary positions, and the continuous changing of the market economic environment are all influences that also affect, determine and continuously modify the management tasks.
    Everyone knows what a manager does. Still, it is not easy to determine what it does all day as his or her work is such a complex activity where the management tasks are present in a complex way, weaved into each other. Nevertheless, the separate management tasks appearing in the management activity can be defined well, can be separated from each other clearly, enabling us to study and analyse each management task separately.
    Based upon the findings of a face-to-face questionnaire survey, this essay aims to present that, according to the managers, to what extent the judgement of management tasks has changed and to what extent the applied management tasks specialise based upon the extent of relation to the company.

  • Novel market conditions and marketing consequences in the hungarian guided hunting sector

    In Hungary the operating medium of game management and the guided hunting sector is undergoing such a radical change nowadays that on the one hand it considerably influences the profit-producing ability of the sector, and on the other hand it sets the actors of the industry new challenges and opportunities. If the Hungarian hunting industry, which has a traditional past, also wishes to preserve its position in this changed business medium, it is essential that the new situation be thoroughly assessed, and the value-oriented marketing attitude be adapted. The phenomena presented in this essay discuss the consequences and causes of the appearance of new service providers regarding the supply side, and the content changes of the consumer group and the modification of earlier consumption preferences and their causes on the demand side. The changing of the two media jointly generate the adaptation of the value-oriented service - marketing concepts, by using which the areas to be developed and deemed as the narrow cross-section of consumer decisions can be determined. After specifying the target group specific marketing properties of the aove-mentioned – prestige – service, such services of high utility content can already be established successfully that can be positioned as a proper alternative for the new consumer group of higher value expectation. On the other hand, the employment and profitability indexes related to this sector may considerably be improved.

  • A study of product strategy priorities at the small enterprises of the North-Alföld Region

    Through a non-representative sample of the small enterprises of the North-Alföld Region, this paper studies the product strategic priorities enabling us to make a detailed typology of small
    enterprises. According to the relevant technical literature, the types of small enterprises have typical strategic priorities. Obviously, each group can be characterised with certain strategic
    priorities, which are sharply distinct from each other. These priority features are shown in the form of characteristic features in the enterprise’s marketing activities, market behaviour (product policy, innovation attitude, technology, price policy). This paper studies the enterprises of the sample through the role of production technology, material quality, low price and branding endeavours affecting product positioning.