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  • Regional significance of the Debrecen International Airport

    In the following essay I would like to examine the Debrecen International Airport’s reginonal status, significance and development opportunities. Furthermore, I would like compare the passenger traffic of Debrecen’s airport with other regional airports in Middle-East Europe during the 2005–2012 period. In the second part of my essay, I would like to share the experience of my questionnaire survey and a possible future perspective for the Debrecen International Airport.

  • Az elmúlt tíz év változásainak vezetői értékelése különböző szervezeti formában működő vállalatoknál

    revolutions and changes. Effects of these changes can be sensible at all parts of agricultural production. It results in new ownership and organisation structure. Agriculture has to suit to the new circumstances of changed firm-size and structure. These kinds of changes essentially define conditions of agricultural production in the future, and they have an affect on husbandry of enterprises.
    To be succeed in managing changes, we have to know the reasons of these alterations and nature of them. It is very important to get to know the advantages and disadvantages of the typical change-management methods and its typology. These methods are more elaborated and widespread at industrial enterprises. It is necessary to get to know the nature, characteristics and reasons of changes, and we should work out ways agricultural companies, taking notice of their speciality.
    The methods and means of examinations
    We aimed to point out what kind of changing processions were typified the activity of agricultural ventures. What are the speciality, strains, the arousing and obstructive factors of nowadays changes. We made questionnaire and sent them to numerous enterprises.
    Most of the answers show that leaders are „floating with flow” and most part of their power is used to fight back actually challenges. Generally consciousness is missing, so they are not govern the events still more they are passive objects of occurrence.
    Naturally, the given answers show, that the most important changes of past are changing of markets, importance of quality production and changes in the structure of enterprises. And – especially at companies, which deal with plant growing –, modifying of structure because of compensation.

  • The supply of Liget-Thermal Spa and Experience Bath, according the opinion of the guests

    During the last decades health, body and soul control became important issues. In the modern world this values are closely connected to the term of success, because we can be successful in every aspect of life: work, and personal life, if we can maintain our health, and fitness in a long run. From that comes that modern people are willing to spend money and time to take an active part in sporty but relaxing activities in a healthy environment in order to keep their fitness or just feel themselves well.
    In my study I will show the main motivating factors and demand elements of wellness and healthtourism, according the opinions of the visitors of Liget - Thermal Spa and Experience Bath. I will introduce different services that are suitable for satisfying this demand, furthermore we can get an insight by the results of questionnaire survey, how the motivating factors and the demand changes in case of different age groups.

  • Addictions of youngsters living in the countryside: social and demographic background of alcohol consumption

    In the past 10–15 years, the consumption of illegal drugs has increased significantly both in Hungary and in our county. In parallel with the society’s getting more and more open, the fulfilment of personal freedom, and the spreading of globalisation and individual culture, the use of drugs has become more and more accessible and acceptable to the young.

    Social problems are supposedly connected with the interviewees’ alcohol consumption. The EuroADAD questionnaire was used. The sample covered 190 interviewees. I have processed the data with the SPSS statistical program package.

    The linear regression analysis was applied to examine the interrelations between the elements under study. Almost consume alcohol as well. Among the examined socio-demographic variables, youth alcohol consumption was most affected by the gender of the respondent, the dissatisfaction with living conditions, and the change of residence.