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  • Alternative rating methods of the LEADER programme

    LEADER was one of the most important and diverse initiations in the rural development policy of the recent years that made it possible in the Member States of the European Union to carry out the needs of the lowest level, directly coming from the citizens. Decentralisation and the assignment of certain authorities furthered this opportunity, whereas it was greatly restricted by the strong centralisation and regulation of the program in Hungary. This was the reason why the Hungarian LEADER program did not achieve any measureable success in terms of the standards in the rest of the EU Member States. There is a need to change this practice that can be done by the complete Hungarian reform of the program.

  • Status of soil quality in south-west of Romania and its role in sustainable development of the rural space

    Being aware of lands ecological resources’ natural conditions and particularities for different uses and crops is of great importance
    for the big and small producers.
    In this paper we present the main aspects regarding the quality of the ecopedological conditions. Here there are briefly presented the
    physico-geographic conditions and the telluric-edaphic configuration of the area. Also, the structure of the main categories of agricultural
    activities in the physical geographical areas (mountains, hills and plateaus, high and low plains and meadows) and main soils’ types and
    associations are presented. Lands vocation for different use (arable, lawns, hay, orchard, vineyard
    The paper ends with highlighting the necessary measures for a lasting administration of ecopedological resources in the studied area.

  • Methods for the examination of the role of the time factor in managerial and organizational processes

    managerial efficiency. The system of investigations is in accordance with the method elaborated and applied by the Department of Management Science of UD, CAS, Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (Berde, 2003). This method involves questionnaire interviews and corporate data collection. The first part of the questionnaire contains data with respect to the company, while the second part focuses on the manager being interviewed. The third part is a closed, directed interview-based preference assessment. I aim to assess the sample at my disposal in order to test the research model.
    In the course of the assessment of questionnaires, I apply descriptive statistical methods for the assessment of the personal and professional features of the managers interviewed and the characteristics of the companies. In the case of questions substantively concerning the time factor – resource, managerial function, reaction time, and impact assessments – I carry out hypothesis testing. I draw up a zero hypothesis, whose appropriateness I test by means of statistical methods. I usually apply rank correlation for the evaluation of the relationship between the variables measured on an ordinal scale in my investigations. This can be applied if not the exact values of the given variables, but only their order in one respect or another is known. If the group building criterion is two-variable Mann-Whimey, if a multi-variable Kruskal-Wallis trial can be applied, which, after the rank transformation, gives information about the acceptance or refusal of the Ho hypothesis through the average of the ranks. The model also contains the managers’ evaluation of the time factor in management work.