
Unfair commercial practices towards consumers in the Hungarian food industry


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Keskeny, D. (2024). Unfair commercial practices towards consumers in the Hungarian food industry. Acta Agraria Debreceniensis, 1, 67-71.

Unfair commercial practices in the food industry can include actions and practices by traders or producers that mislead consumers about the true characteristics, quality, or price of products. For example, if a producer does not accurately and transparently list the composition of products, or if advertisements contain false or misleading information about products, or if inappropriate product quality is concealed, or if promised benefits of products are not realised, or if consumers are unfairly persuaded to purchase products.

It is important to note that all traders and producers must comply with consumer protection rules. If any unfair commercial practices are observed, consumers can legitimately file a complaint with the Consumer Protection Authority or the Hungarian Competition Authority.

Unfair commercial practices can be a serious problem for consumers as they mislead them about the true characteristics of products, making it difficult to make informed purchasing decisions. Therefore, it is important for consumers to be informed about the true composition and quality of products in order to avoid falling victim to unfair commercial practices.

Through various legal cases, I demonstrate how important it is for consumers to be fully informed and aware of their rights. Additionally, I illustrate how investigating different complaints can have an impact on preventing unfair commercial practices.



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