The Importance of Training and Development Programs in Promoting Sustainable Consumption Behavior: An HRM Perspective
Copyright (c) 2024 Awaz Ismael, Péter Balogh
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The increasing awareness of the impact of human activities on the environment has led to a growing interest in sustainable consumption behavior. Sustainable consumption behavior refers to the choices and actions of individuals, households, or organizations that prioritize the long-term well-being of both the environment and society while meeting their needs and desires. It involves making responsible and ethical decisions about what to consume, how much to consume, and how to consume, with the aim of minimizing negative impacts on the planet and future generations. This research aims to identify the importance of training and development programs in HRM in promoting sustainable consumption behavior. The research problem has been formulated with several questions, most notably: Do organizational training and development programs impact sustainable consumption behavior? The methodology of this study is a Systematic Literature Review of the importance of training and development programs in promoting sustainable consumption behavior. This research found that HRM can implement training and development programs focusing on sustainability to encourage sustainable behavior among employees. Such programs can include educating employees on sustainable consumption practices, promoting renewable energy sources, reducing waste, adopting a life cycle perspective, and accounting for equity dimensions.
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