
The use of CANVAS model to develop incubation organization in the university sector

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Gályász, J., & Darnai, B. (2023). The use of CANVAS model to develop incubation organization in the university sector. Régiókutatás Szemle, 3(2), 1-10.

The mission of higher education in Europe and worldwide has been undergoing changes concerning its responsibilities and the requirements it has to satisfy. Making use of the experience gained from international benchmarking, the research paper investigates those business models that the institutions and their strategic partners can use in order to facilitate their market oriented incubation activities. In our research we aimed to develop an operating model such that is able to meet the challenges set by the competition on the international marketplace. We used the Canvas business framework model as a method to describe the business logic, – value creation – and functional elements of a market actor, and the interrelationships that exist between those factors.

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