
The geopolitical-geoeconomical importance of european integration in East-Central Europe from the late eighties until now

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Tőkés, T., Erdey, L., Tóth, E., & Nagy, S. (2023). The geopolitical-geoeconomical importance of european integration in East-Central Europe from the late eighties until now. Régiókutatás Szemle, 4(1), 70-81.

Due to political reforms in 1990 the geopolitical and geoeconomical situation of the East-Central European countries has changed. In the very first years of the new political era these countries focused on the integration to the European Union. In 2004 the biggest accession ever opened the door to ten new member states resulting a more wider, more complex partnership in Europe. After a decade of their integration it was clear that East-Central European countries have benefited from the membership, in economical and many other ways. They can express their interests much stronger as members of the EU then before their memberships. But their perception regarding deepening the integration is in change. There is a need to express their opinion much stronger. As a result, the geoeconomic interpretation of economic integration has become much broader in sense than in earlier periods, and sometimes involves far more thought than traditional interpretation.

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