
The sharing economy in EU-28 and its popularity in Hungary and Romania

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Kovács, T. Z., & Nábrádi, A. (2023). The sharing economy in EU-28 and its popularity in Hungary and Romania. Régiókutatás Szemle, 5(1), 88-103.

The emergence of sharing economy into the tertiary sector has changed the balance of power and redefining the way of achieving it. The purpose of the study aims at introducing the sharing economy, one of the most popular economic mechanisms at present, with special regard to its nomenclature and definitions. The spreading of trading platforms in services sector has created a wide variety of virtual marketplaces, where consumers and suppliers contact each other directly according to their interests. It focuses on the economic markets of the Hungarian and Romanian sharing economy to obtain a clear picture of its growing range and forms. The paper includes both primary and secondary research, literary sources and the open-access database of the European Commission, which is analysed by the SPSS 24 software. Sharing economies have been studied from both consumer and service provider perspectives, surveyed the proportion of users and suppliers, the advantages and disadvantages, the reasons for not using services offered as such, and the motives behind the participation of suppliers on sharing economy platforms was carried out in Hungary and Romania and the EU-28 members. As far as we know, the analysis of this field has not been carried out.

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