Examination of the motivation of generation Z university students in a sample of students from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Informatics at the University of Debrecen
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Nowadays, organizations place increasing emphasis on motivating employees, as the effectiveness of an organization is greatly influenced by the motivation level of the employees, knowing that a motivated employee can perform better and remain loyal to the organization. In order to motivate employees effectively, it is essential that managers are aware of the various incentives available. In this study, I focus primarily on intrinsic motivation, as it is increasingly proven that extrinsic motivation tools alone are not enough to achieve the desired level of motivation for employees. My overall goal is to assess the motivational characteristics of students in my environment, including the relationship between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. In the first part of the article, I present the literature on intrinsic motivation, which presents the topic in a more and more practical way, adapting to the needs of the present age. In the following, I present my research using a shortened version of the Aspiration Index. A total of 470 people from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Informatics of the University of Debrecen took part in my quantitative research. For the evaluation of the results I used both descriptive and mathematical statistical methods. After analysing the answers, I concluded that intrinsic motivation has a greater impact on students than extrinsic motivation, but money is still an essential motivational tool. I thought there was a difference in the answers of men and women and students of different programs, which led me to the conclusion that the generation should not be treated according to a scheme, it is worth developing the methods and techniques of motivation considering the individual characteristics. In conclusion, I try to formulate suggestions for managers based on the conclusions drawn from the research results. Thereby I hope that the Z generation entering the labour market in the future will be motivated more effectively.
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