
Spatial characteristics of European Union supported projects with the objective to enhance the dissemination of renewable energy resources in in the 2007-2013 budgetary period

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Badar, Z., & Kozma, G. (2023). Spatial characteristics of European Union supported projects with the objective to enhance the dissemination of renewable energy resources in in the 2007-2013 budgetary period. Régiókutatás Szemle, 6(2), 59-68.

In the recent period, the use of renewable energy sources has received increasing emphasis both in the European Union and in Hungary. Building on the successes of the recent decades, the European Union and Hungarian documents have set increasingly ambitious objectives. European Union subsidies play a very important role in the financing of investments, and in the spirit of this, the aim of the study is to present the spatial characteristics of projects supporting the use of renewable energy sources in one specific region of Hungary, in the Northern Great Plain region. As a result of the research, on the one hand, the influencing role of three factors can be detected. The effect of socioeconomic development was observed at both county and district levels, and in the case of settlements the number of population and the administrative role (existence of a district center) can be mentioned. On the other hand, the study also revealed that there are significant differences between the spatial characteristics of the two operational programs supporting the use of renewable energy sources (Regional and Settlement Development Operational Program, Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program).

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