
The effect of the coronavirus on football players’ value

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Bács, B. (2023). The effect of the coronavirus on football players’ value. Régiókutatás Szemle, 6(2), 36-44.

Before the recent coronavirus pandemic the football sector could be described with stable economic growth. The individual and cummulated revenue growth of football clubs are obviously in coherence with the nuncupation of player rights’, i.e. the player transfer activity of football clubs. The consecutive economical growth had it’s effect on player transfer values, since in the last decade constantly rising transfer prices could be experienced. In spite of the fact that this phenomenon carries a danger as well through the growth of player transfer values, by and large it contributes to the growth of the sector. European club football in total reported operating profits in 2018 for the second consecutive year. The continous development had been stopped by the COVID-19 pandemic. Matches were postponed and fans could only follow their teams via broadcasting. Restrictions had their effect not only on club revenue, but on players’ valuation as well, resulting 13-18% impairment on their market value by the analysis of the most costly transfers of the last transfer window.

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