Keresési eredmények
Economisch belang en persoonlijk voorkeur: De rol van het vertalersechtpaar Székely-Lulofs in het cultureel transfer
75-94Megtekintések száma:78The Dutch writer Madelon Székely-Lulofs and her husband László Székely played a very
important role in the cultural transfer between the Netherlands and Hungary in the thirties
of the 20th century. They have translated several works of Dutch and Hungarian writers
and wrote novels about the Dutch-East Indies. They chose writers who were successful
and well-known for their translations. Commercial success and personal interests also
played a role in their choice of works to translate. As a results the works of Lajos Kassák,
Sándor Márai, Ferenc Molnár, Lajos Zilahy, Jolán Földes, Mihály Földi, Zsolt Harsányi,
Ferenc Körmendi and Gábor Vaszary were translated in Dutch. Books of Piet Bakker, Jan
de Hartog, Ary den Hertog, Klaas Nore and Anton Coolen were translated in Hungarian. -
De tuinman, de geldschieter, de koelie-werver en de mandoer: Vier portretten van László Székely en de Delische Kunstkring
101-117Megtekintések száma:189The Hungarian planter László Székely was active as a painter on Sumatra during the first decennia of the 20th century. In 1923 he painted four portraits of people from the planters’ community: The Mandoer, The Moneylender, The Toekang-kebon and The Koelie recruiter, which appeared in the weekly paper De Zweep. In this article I will give an overview of the cultural life in Deli and place Székely’s work in this context. Furthermore, I will explain the uniqueness of Székely’s portraits, using the theory of the English cultural historian Peter Burke.
Op de grens van de genres: Roman of egodocument: Van oerwoud tot plantage door László Székely
29-44Megtekintések száma:116 -
“Deli op z’n kop”: Kritiek op de kolonie in de tekeningen van László Székely
115-134Megtekintések száma:98 -
Een beeld van een vrouw: Madelon Lulofs op tekeningen van László Székely
79-87Megtekintések száma:110 -
H.C. Zentgraaff contra het echtpaar Székely-Lulofs: Wie was die man?
133-143Megtekintések száma:35In 1931 and 1932, Madelon Lulofs published her novels Rubber and Koelie; in 1935 Van oerwoud tot plantage appeared, a translation of the novel Őserdőktől az ültetvényekig by her spouse, László Székely, that came out in the same year. The novels give a realistic and revealing look into the harsh life on the plantations of Deli at the East Coast of Sumatra. Although the books were generally well received in the Netherlands and were considered by progressive critics to be accusations against the colonial administration, the Dutch East Indian press responded with indignation: the colony, as they concluded, was put in a bad light, which created a wrong impression amongst the general public abroad. Besides, equally importantly, these novels served as an evidence of colonial oppression for Indian nationalists, they argued. The Székely-Lulofs couple was heavily rebuked for it. The hate campaign against them was led by journalist H.C. Zentgraaff.
De bedrieglijke verlokking van de tropen: Het vreemde in het dagboek van István Radnai
185-197Megtekintések száma:132István Radnai left his home country in 1914, hoping to achieve a brighter and richer future life. With his cousin, László Székely, he traveled to the then Dutch Indies, to Sumatra in order to become rich as a planter. After five weeks, however, he returned disappointed to Hungary, where he saw the beginning of the First World War. On the basis of his diary it is possible to reconstruct the reasons why he found it necessary to escape from the “self” and why he chose the tempting, unknown world. The binary opposition formed in this way undergoes a change in a different context; it becomes shifted and turned around. The interesting “other” becomes frightful and threatening which makes the “self” more valuable at the same time.
Inleiding: Doodsverachtende kolonisten en Orang Blanda's Het belang van vreemde ogen
5-9Megtekintések száma:111