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  • Psychoactive substance the examination of implements and school factors among young persons living on country

    The study investigates the drug addiction, school problems and the underlying emotional disorders of provincial young people. I assumed that school problems are connected with the
    youth’s legal and illegal drug consumption.
    In my research, I used the Euroadad questionnaire taken at the Drug Ambulance of Nyíregyháza. The sample covered 144 interviewees, 76.9% of whom were „diverted” from jurisdiction. The other respondents volunteered for the therapy.
    The linear regression analysis was applied to examine the interrelations between the elements under study.
    All of the 144 respondents have tried or regularly apply some consciousness-modifying substance. Most of them are young adults. The preferred drugs were marijuana and ecstasy. All
    consume alcohol as well. A significant connection can be proved between the majority of the psychological and school behavioural problems under survey and the drug abuse. The more problematic group covers those taking extasy. 

  • Comparative analysis of the transformation of Hungarian and East German agriculture

    Agriculture, and within it, the development and later transformation of the cooperative system shows many similarities between Hungary and the Eastern German provinces. A few examples can be mentioned, such as the mistrust against the notion of cooperation, the forced development of the cooperatives and, as an occupied territory, the influence of the Soviet Union. Similar issues emerged in both countries’ agriculture and the measures taken were also alike. Similar social, economic processes and changes were started at the end of the 1980s (1989/90) and these had a significant effect on the areas that serve as a basis for this study.