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Examination of the angle position on the cone dispenser
204-207Views:107The most important distributing construction of small plot seed-drills and fertiliser dispensers is the cone dispenser. The cone dispenser can operate based on simple gravity or with an Oyjord-type cone-cell or Hege-type cone-belt structure. The unevenness of spreading of each type is significantly influenced by the aberration of the vertical angle position of the cone dispenser. An approximate method was improved modelling of the fault of the cone dispenser. In my article, I will provide information about the essence of the model and its derivations.
On the model, I cover the cone piston with a theoretical net and at random scale between each scale interval I count the forces acting on the grain and the movement of the grain. If I set the scale of the net close enough, with good proximity, I get the whole orbit. The unevenness of dispensing can be calculated from the position of the grains getting to the bottom of the cone in case of different geometric data. My measurements imply that an approximate method is able to model both the tendency and the value of the deviation caused by the fault of the angle position. Both the theoretical model and the measurement prove that 2-3° deviation results in significant change in the unevenness of dispensing. -
Approximate Model for Examination of Cone Dispenser Eccentricity
47-49Views:118The most important distributing construction of small plot seed-drills, fertiliser dispensers is the cone dispenser. The cone dispenser can operate based on simple gravity or with Oyjord-type cone-cell or Hege-type cone-belt structure. The unevenness of spreading of each type is significantly influenced by the feeding roll above the cone and the misalignment of the cone dispenser. On designing, preparing and setting I realised that this job could be done much faster and more precisely if there would be model for testing the misalignment of the cone dispenser. In my article I will provide information about the essence of the mathematical model and its derivations. For the calculations I prepared a chart program in Microsoft Excel.
In order to test the computed model I made experimental examinations. I put together a test bench for the measurements. I revealed that the mathematical model describes the unevenness of spreading caused by misalignment. In addition, I discovered that even a misalignment of 0.25-0.5 mm can be pointed out by measurements and is in proportion to the variety factor determined theoretically. -
Effects of different crop years and sowing date on maize yield
93-96Views:143We carried out the tests in the flood meadow soil formed on the alluvial cone of Nagykereki, Sebes-Körös belonging to the Bihar plane small region. The aim of the study was to analyse the effect of the different sowing date of maize on the yield trend based on a comprehensive study conducted for 6 years (2007–2012).
The sowing date of maize hybrids is a factor that significantly influences yield, however, its effect is not significant in each crop year. In the years when the date of sowing has a modifying effect, the reliable yield level can be reached with optimal sowing date management (24 April).
The advantage of early sowing (10 April) proved to be dominant in the year of 2012, the seeds were placed into the still wet soil therefore shooting was more balanced. Maize seeds sown at the time of optimal (24 April) and late (10 May) sowing dates were placed into the already dry soil, which deteriorated germination and the strength of early initial development that had an effect on the yield.