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Hydro-cultural growing of cut flower in greenhouse
139-146Views:124The closed system hydro-cultural growing is environmentfriendly, the chemical fertilizer used for nourishing material supply does not contaminate the soil water and it is possible to eliminate the chemical materials accumulating during the disinfection of the soil getting into the environment. It can be mechanized and regulated well so the optimum growing conditions can be fixed for the plant and as a consequence higher yield can be reached both for the carnation and for Zantedeschia and for Rosa. Growing method with saving both the nourishing material and the water. Taking all the above into consideration timing is easier and better, it can be programmed better than the traditional chemo-cultural growing.
Contributions to the 2014 and 2015 flight pattern and damages of Carpomyia schineri Loew.
96-99Views:145The fly Carpomyia schineri Loew is a pest of the berries of the feral Rosa canina group but is can also be found in the berries of grown rose cultivars. The larva damages the flesh of the berry, several larvae can develop inside a single berry. It can decrease the quantity and ascorbic acid content of the tea and jam, which are important human ascorbic acid sources during winter. At the same time in trapping experiments the adult can be confounded with adults of the walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis completa Cresson). In collections of berries at several sites in Hungary damage levels ranged from 0.88% to 65.08 %. Based on these damage levels we had the impression that the yellow sticky traps CSALOMON® PALz or PALs baited with the synthetic Rhagoletis lure caught moderate numbers of adults and were not satisfactory for detection, consequently improving trapping methods is necessary in the future.