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  • An Efficient Method for Making an Educational Program

    Distance education, a new teaching method widely-spread in higher education nowadays, requires the extent use of multimedia self-study educational programs besides the traditional means and methods.
    Experience shows that besides certain types of software like encyclopedias, dictionaries, language manuals etc. there is an ever growing demand for appropriate educational programs that can be tailor made, adapted or modified for various kinds of students.
    These programs reflect the teacher’s approach to the subject and contain the relevant, up-to-date information.
    Since they are used in a relatively limited circle, usually within a faculty of an institution or within a single subject area, it is crucially important to be able to produce them with as little energy and time as possible.
    There is a PhD research program, aiming at creating a flexible multimedia framework, that can be a possible solution to the problem. This framework can be easily filled with different teaching materials compiled by certain teachers without advanced knowledge of informatics. The framework itself is carefully designed and guarantees high quality.

  • The role of disease resistance in the registration of crop varieties in Hungary

    Variety testing including disease resistance test of the major crops has been carrying out since the 1960’s in Hungary. Testing for resistance of the new candidate varieties is performed in the so-called VCU (Value for Cultivation and Use) trials under natural infection and in special small-plot or micro-plot trials using different disease provocative methods. Disease resistance, especially those of multiple and horizontal-type (race non-specific, partial or durable) resistances, has recently become a key limiting factor in the state variety registration. The role of disease resistance in the decision-making process of variety registration is demonstrated on the examples of winter wheat and sunflower as two major field crops in Hungary.