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  • Analysis of human factors in wiev of safety at some agricultural companies in Hajdú-Bihar county

    The author examined the human social influence factors of the occupational safety and health and number of workers at thirteen different agricultural firms. He’d measured at these enterprises the demographic characteristics and the risk sensibility of farmlabourers at scopes of activities and some related occupational safety and health attitudes from the psychosocial factors. He used questionnaire and personal guided interviews and methodical examinations. He used seven graded Likert-scale (-3...0...+3) (Malhotra, 2005) for qualification of answers. He established that selection by the leaders don’t prefer the special skills. He stated that the examined farm-labourers have got a low risk sensibility, but the statistics of the accidents not certifies it. With the occupational safety and health related attitudes influence the relation to the occupational safety and health, and to comply with OSH rules. It was established that the rate of quasi-accidents is relative high at agricultural workers.

  • Possibilities of conceptualization and operacioanlizaton of the safety culture and safety climate in the international safety management researches

    In this paper the author summarized the definitions and operationalisations of the safety culture and safety climate concepts. He analyzed the Hungarian and international safety
    management scientific literatures. He also analyzed the scientific definitions and summarised the common and different elements. The author emphasizes that the many different scientific safety culture researches had been created good possibilities to find the common surfaces. Based on the international safety culture operationalisation practices the author identified a composition of safety culture dimensions which could be a possible basis for the Hungarian safety culture researches. These dimensions are:
    ???? values (individual and organizational) from this result scale of values,
    ???? attitudes (individual and organizational),
    ???? motivations,
    ???? perceptions,
    ???? social status and estimation of the occupational safety and health,
    ???? position and estimation of the occupational safety and health communication,
    ???? position and estimation of the occupational safety and health tranings,
    ???? measuring of confidence, optimism, fatalism and anomic characteristics,
    ???? good practices and behavior,
    ???? influence and estimation of the work,
    ???? risk perception and safety level perception,
    ???? contentment.with occupational safety and health.