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  • The Role of GI Products in the Hungarian Food Discounters

    More than 25 years ago, the European Union (EU) has established a sui generis system of geographical indications (GIs) for identifying the products which quality, reputation or other characteristics are linked to their geographical origin. By the end of 2018 the official register of the European Commission (the DOOR database) included 1448 registered food products with GI label, but their number is continuously increasing. For several reasons, we examined the discounters operating in Hungary in order to estimate the market size and price premium of GI foods in Hungary. Firstly, discounters’ share in the Hungarian food retail sector is continuously growing and reaching the majority of the average Hungarian consumers. Secondly, their typical feature is that their supplies are almost constant and limited, discounters target the price sensitive consumers, so the minimum level of price premium can be defined here. In this study, we would like to estimate from below both the market size of Hungarian GI products and the price premium of GI products compared to their direct substitute products. To gather real life data, we have gone mystery shopping for a year every month (January-December 2018) to an Aldi, Lidl and Penny Market retail shop located in Budapest. We collected data of available GI products and their closest substitute products which were available in the shop and then we analysed the dataset consist of several hundreds of observations. Our results show that the number of GI products available in the Hungarian discounters is very limited, however, their supply is quite permanent. The majority of GI foods available in Hungarian discounters are Italian and the average price premium was around 43% with remarkable differences. Our results show that currently GI food products have limited importance in the Hungarian food market as they are rarely available. On the other hand, a real price premium for GI products exists in the Hungarian market and an even higher price premium might be expected in less low-price oriented food retailers.

    JEL Classification: M31, M37, O13, O34, Q13

  • Competition and Benefits – The Hungarian Results of the Decanter World Wine Awards and their Correlation with Wine Prices

    This study examines the relationship between Hungarian wine prices and the results of the 2023 Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA). The study analyses the relationship between the DWWA and the prices of medal-winning Hungarian wines and the impact on the Hungarian wine sector. An analysis of the correlation between the Decanter World Wine Awards and Hungarian wines shows the price-shaping effect of wine competitions on the Hungarian and international wine market. By taking advantage of the recognition and credibility provided by the DWWA, Hungarian winemakers have the opportunity to position their wines in higher market segments, serving discerning consumers seeking premium and award-winning wines. Three regions seem to be best suited for this: Tokaj, Eger and South Pannonia (Villany and Szekszard). The winning wines will contribute to the economic viability and sustainability of the Hungarian wine industry, providing access to new sales channels, international recognition and promoting the unique and diverse Hungarian terroir. The medals achieved in this prestigious competition will facilitate market entry in competitive markets and foster cooperation with distributors and importers seeking quality-driven wine portfolios. Continued investment in quality development, sustainability practices and market diversification will be essential for Hungarian winemakers to capitalise on the success of the competition for long-term growth. In the future, the authors aim to conduct a study of the results of several years of competition, incorporating new perspectives.

    JEL Codes: E2, E3, F1, M2, M3

  • Farmers' Markets on the University Campus

    Short food supply chains are increasingly studied areas of international studies. Many see their spread as the solution to sustainability in agriculture. One of its defining sales channels is farmers' markets, their number has grown dramatically in Hungary in recent years. Many studies analyse the consumers of farmers' markets worldwide, but only a few studies examine the relationship of university students with farmers' markets. However, there are examples of this in the USA; it is even typical that farmer's market is organized on university campuses. University students are not typical buyers of farmers' markets, but they will be the consumers of the future, so it is worth examining their habits and needs. With the help of a questionnaire filled out by 382 university students, we investigate whether there is a difference between the food shopping habits of the university students examined in previous studies and the ones analysed in the current study. Do they have clearly identifiable habits of purchasing on the farmer's market? Is there a demand to organize farmers' markets on university campuses in Hungary? The food shopping habits of university students studying in Hungary are largely the same as the habits of university students examined by previous research. For university students, the price, comfort, the selection, and quality aspects of the products dominate. 31% of the university students, who filled out the questionnaire, have never shopped at a farmer's market; while among those, who purchase there food, only 21% do this regularly. The main obstacle for non-regular shoppers is the distance from farmers' markets, which can be solved by organizing farmers' markets on university campuses. 95% of the sample is open to this, so it would be worthwhile to conduct separate research for each university and put the positive results into practice.

    JEL-Codes: O13, P46, Q13

  • Food Super Store Shopping Environment and Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior

    This study examines the impact of food super store shopping on impulsive buying behavior. The results highlight that discounted price, advertisement &promotion, visual merchandising and emotional attachment, have impact on consumer impulsive buying behavior but special occasions and companion’s influence donot impact consumer impulsive buying behavior. The study is based on a sample of food super store buyers from Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The exploration is useful for marketers to understand impulsive consumers and their choices. Food super stores are one of the growing businesses in Pakistan; therefore, this study will guide the marketers to understand this market segment effectively. The study also discovers the association between food super store shopping environment and types of consumer impulsive buying behavior which are cognitive impulsive buying and affective impulsive buying.

    JEL codes: M31, M37, M39

  • Game-meat Consumption Behavior the Image and Market Positioning of Quality Venison

    The purpose of our research is to understand the wild game meat, and more specifically, venison consumption behavior of the Hungarian population. In order to examine the issue, we have conducted questionnaire surveys as well as focus group interviews. Only 36.6% of the respondents reported that they consume game-based foods with some frequency. The main reason for the low consumption rate is related to the price of wild game meat which consumers consider too high. Based on focus group interviews, we concluded that the main problem is that most people do not even consider trying game-meat as they do not know about possible preparation methods. The results of our questionnaire survey reveal that 22.4% of the population has consumed red deer, while fallow deer has only been consumed by 7.7%. The respondents primarily associate deer meat with men, as they consider hunting and the preparation of wild-game foods a masculine activity. In Hungary, deer meat is a lesser known product considered to be a luxury good, for which a new marketing communication and sales strategy is needed. Limiting factors include unfamiliarity, high price and that respondents consider wild-game a seasonal product.

  • Chocolate Consumption Habits of Hungarian Women and Their Consumer Behaviour Regarding Sugar-free Chocolate

    In line with the global trend of health and wellness, there is now an increased demand for products that have a positive effect on health (or that are at least less unhealthy), such as sugar-free or reduced-calorie chocolate, especially among female consumers. Therefore, in our research, we set out to explore the chocolate consumption habits of Hungarian women, with particular regard to consumer acceptance of sugar-free chocolate. In the course of our primary research, we conducted an online questionnaire survey with the participation of 370 female respondents, during which we explored some elements of their consumer behaviour related to conventional and sugar-free/reduced-calorie chocolates; moreover, possible differences in the willingness to pay for sugar-free and conventional chocolates were also examined by using the packaging of two real, 100 g Stühmer milk chocolate bars and their modified versions as well. According to our results, the vast majority of women interviewed like chocolate, with milk chocolate being the most popular. Most of them eat chocolate a few times a week, but consumption of sugar-free/reduced-calorie chocolate is much less common. When buying chocolate, the respondents are clearly most influenced by the taste, which is followed far behind by the price, and then the healthiness of the chocolate. Most of the women asked are interested in sugar-free and reduced-calorie chocolates, the majority of them consume such products because of health awareness. The respondents’ willingness to pay for sugar-free chocolates is not lower compared to the versions sweetened with sugar, but the willingness to pay reaches the market price only in the case of a gift purchase; in the case of a purchase for one’s own consumption, it mostly falls short of it.

    JEL-Code: M31


  • Complex Analysis and Introduction of the Hungarian Mineral Water Industry

    The mineral water sector in Hungary has been developing dynamically for four decades. The present article explores the main characteristics of the sector and highlights its specificities within the food industry. The aim of the study is to identify the main characteristics of the market, analyze the macro and micro environment, determine the economic importance of the sector, analysis of the main players and strategic options. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that there are approximately 500 Hungarian companies whose activities include producing soft drinks and mineral waters under the TEÁOR 1107. However, there are only 10 of these companies whose main activity is exclusively producing mineral water, which is extracted and bottled in Hungary. The macro-environment analysis shows that the political environment is stable, the economic environment is not conducive to business, and high inflation, continuously rising labor costs, and raw material costs will continue to challenge businesses. However, SME support can provide significant help in the future. Among consumer habits, the growing health and environmental awareness significantly impact the sector. Rapid developments in technological factors offer many opportunities for businesses. Based on the microenvironment analysis, the market is saturated, and Szentkirályi Magyarország Kft. and Magyarvíz Ásványvíz Kft. hold almost 80% of the total industry turnover in 2021. The threat of new entrants is, therefore, not significant. The bargaining power of buyers and the threat of substitutes is high, and the bargaining power of suppliers is low. While compiling the competitive profile matrix, industry success factors were identified, with price level, brand, and environmental responsibility standing out. The biggest challenge in the sector is to reduce the environmental impact of packaging, using recycled plastic bottles as the easiest solution.

    JEL Code: M21

  • The Role of the Cognitive Component of Consumer Attitude in the Image of the Pálinka

    The research aim is to explore the potential role of consumer attitude components in image development related to a traditional Hungarian alcoholic beverage, the pálinka. This study focuses on the effect of the cognitive component of attitude on image of the pálinka. The relevance of this research is the expansion of the pálinka market in recent years and the changing of the regulatory environment about homemade spirits. Distillate made at home, which product improperly called homemade pálinka, is very popular in Hungary. Based on the qualitative studies, the most important characteristics in the consumer perception of alcoholic beverage are quality, price, prestige, fashion and origin. The importance of these attributes of the most popular alcoholic beverages in Hungary was assessed by the participants on Likert scales. Homemade spirit has the most favorable attitude and in-store pálinka has the most unfavorable attitude. To understand the effect of the cognitive component, we used two types of the multiattribute attitude model of Fishbein. By using a 7-point semantic differential scale, we could graphically illustrate the consumer belief about the homemade and in-store pálinka. Image profiles on the semantic differential scales show the differences in image of the analysed alcoholic beverages. The study confirmed the advantage of homemade spirit image over in-store pálinka, points out the importance of education and information in the case of the cognitive component of consumer attitude. The reconsidering of the marketing communication of the in-store pálinka producers is very important and urgent.

    JEL Classification: M31